All Hail the Fascist States of America- or else


Well-Known Member
On the subject of America? Yeah, go ahead and listen to his words. Propaganda and you were made for each other.
I know what I'm saying. Lack of comprehension is your problem.

Are you trying to tell us that America is NOT a Corporatist Paradise?


Well-Known Member
Not sure if u brainiacs realize this or not but the 'Americas' are continents, both north and south. Everyone living in the usa is American, but not everyone who is American lives in the usa. And the usa is a constitutional republic, not a democracy! Idiots...
The Americas are North and South America collectively but America is a country or a band.


Well-Known Member

You only have your Constitutional Rights when the government lets you- which really means you don't have them.

Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.

Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day.

Both the above are quotes of Benito Mussolini
I guess it is a good thing we are actually a Republic then.


Well-Known Member
I know what I'm saying. Lack of comprehension is your problem.

Are you trying to tell us that America is NOT a Corporatist Paradise?
The US isn't corporate paradise, Corporations are making out like bandits right now but it won't last..We are going to take back the House next fall and then the presidency in 2020. Things will be different in a good way for the people of the US within ten years.

Your cynicism and myopia has blinded you to what's actually going on.

Bermuda is.corporate paradise.


Well-Known Member
The US isn't corporate paradise, Corporations are making out like bandits right now

We are going to take back the House next fall and then the presidency in 2020
'We' who? If by 'we' you mean corporate vetted and approved Democrats then you may be right. But how do you expect them to be really different on economic issues?

They've been on board with ruthless austerity for the lower classes while shoveling handouts and bailouts at the rich for so long no one thinks there might be another way.

You call me myopic but I'm not the one screaming 'there is no alternative!' to neoliberalist policy.


Well-Known Member

'We' who? If by 'we' you mean corporate vetted and approved Democrats then you may be right. But how do you expect them to be really different on economic issues?

They've been on board with ruthless austerity for the lower classes while shoveling handouts and bailouts at the rich for so long no one thinks there might be another way.

You call me myopic but I'm not the one screaming 'there is no alternative!' to neoliberalist policy.
LOL good story

No we as in Democrats. Even we as in Progressives(tm) who manage to win in the cherry picked districts that they can win in.

Get a grip, dude. The tide is are turning and the political situation will be better over time. It's going to take about ten years though.


Well-Known Member
Wanna bet?????? LOL

The further left you go, the less likely it will happen.
For a while longer. Demographic trends are against your so-called conservative movement. There will be another ten or so years where we flip back and forth between left and the way extreme right in power but within ten years there will be fewer white racists voting and more millenials. White racists will not even be a majority in 15 years. Liberal Democrats only need to stave off your ilk's attempts at stealing democracy away. Your side is the losing one.

Suck it.


Well-Known Member
Nope.......dead wrong. After the liberal/progressive schoolastic brainwashing wears off, younger people with families and jobs will understand it's not in their best long term interest to vote with the far left. It's years away from happening, but there's even hope for you and your cronies.


Well-Known Member
It is too bad there is no room for moderates anymore. I am Canadian but we face the same thing. Right is far right and left is socialism (in Canada). Once upon a time we had middle ground politicians that looked after business and jobs and people. The system is broke. Now it is a bunch of mud.slinging. as hard as i try i cant be that far right. We need to look after people too.

But dont get me started on that fucking carbon tax.
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Well-Known Member
Nope.......dead wrong. After the liberal/progressive schoolastic brainwashing wears off, younger people with families and jobs will understand it's not in their best long term interest to vote with the far left. It's years away from happening, but there's even hope for you and your cronies.
^^Untrue. Most people stay with the political ideology they formed when they are between the ages of 18 and 24 for the rest of their lives. You right wingers never actually get it right.

Pew Research Center surveys over the past two decades also have found compelling evidence that generations carry with them the imprint of early political experiences.

Americans who came of age during the Truman and Eisenhower administrations, and are now in their 70s and 80s, have fairly consistently favored Republican candidates, while those who turned 18 under Bill Clinton and his two successors have almost always voted more Democratic than the nation as a whole.

Just look at the Clinton and Bush/Obama voter lines. Kids who are 18 now hate Trump. In ten years your kind will be lucky to have a seat or two in Congress.
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Well-Known Member
LOL good story

No we as in Democrats. Even we as in Progressives(tm) who manage to win in the cherry picked districts that they can win in.

Get a grip, dude. The tide is are turning and the political situation will be better over time. It's going to take about ten years though.
Your story is the one lacking credibility or evidence. If Democrats wanted to roll back the neoliberal agenda, they would have done so by now. They've had many cuteness and have conspicuously failed to take advantage of any of them.


Well-Known Member
For a while longer. Demographic trends are against your so-called conservative movement. There will be another ten or so years where we flip back and forth between left and the way extreme right in power but within ten years there will be fewer white racists voting and more millenials. White racists will not even be a majority in 15 years. Liberal Democrats only need to stave off your ilk's attempts at stealing democracy away. Your side is the losing one.

Suck it.
Democratic trends are towards neoliberalist policies, not against them.

Keep sucking.


Well-Known Member
Democratic trends are towards neoliberalist policies, not against them.

Keep sucking.
Not true. You are cynical and haven't been keeping up.

Democrats are progressive liberals or at least 2/3 of all Democratic Congressmen are. This is fact as shown in the Congressional Record.

Is this where you post some more propaganda that says otherwise?


Well-Known Member
Not true. You are cynical and haven't been keeping up.

Democrats are progressive liberals or at least 2/3 of all Democratic Congressmen are. This is fact as shown in the Congressional Record.

Is this where you post some more propaganda that says otherwise?
Cool story. You haven't posted one single shred of evidence to your claims.

Keep sucking that tailpipe, smogdog.


Well-Known Member
you really enjoy putting people in well as cages. You talk like a female...oops male:wink: who has done no worldly travels
Oh look; yet another fact free personal attack post from yet another fool in the fog. You can't even address the issue, let alone discuss solutions.