Check PH run off

idk what you are trying to say. you are agreeing with me that soil ph is important, but i feel like now your are talking down to me. big surprise on this board. ill move on.
No not at all man. I appologise if you feel that way.
Sometimes its just easier being straight forward.
I dont really know how you can say this. If your plant is showing issues and you dont know that the soil you are using has a low PH how will you solve the problem. If your showing a deficiency in Ca , P or K and you throw more at it not knowing your roots are locked out, all you will do is make the problem worse.

Sometimes i find that people just want to go against what is said on this board. I had this issue, and adding dolomite lime to my soil helped balance the PH.

Before checking my run off, i had no clue my ph coming out was 5.2 , so throwing 6.5 ph water at it did zero and the problem continued until i added dolimite lime to the soil to raise the PH. Once i did i noted that PH runoff was around 6.2 and now i have happy plants.

I've been growing for over thirty years and have never once checked soil Ph. I've grown in all kinds of soil. I have never had the problems that are so prevalent on this board. It's a weed. Plant it feed it and watch it grow. The more additives and other necessary stuff people dump on their plants is the cause of most peoples problems. Instead of feeding what the plants need they're dumping all kinds of crap that the plant doesn't need but the nutrients companies sell to those that buy into the marketing. Then when their plants are all messed up they add more stuff, chase Ph, flush the crap out of them, etc... If they fed the weed properly from the beginning they likely wouldn't have any issues. Soil is very capable of maintaining a proper equilibrium and plants can and will adapt to changes in the Ph. What they can't do is thrive in a toxic nutrient soup that has destroyed the natural buffering capabilities of the soil.

I will go against things that are said on this board if I believe them to be incorrect. Instead of chasing deficiencies or whacked out Ph the better course of action is to not allow it to happen in the first place. And I am certain that most deficiencies are caused by overfeeding.

"The overfeeding of any plant food can cause nutrient deficiencies."
Personally i check once.
Amend if i need to.
Then put my plant in the soil.
Water it in with plain ol' water.
Easy peezy

It really is that simple. Yet so few of us realize that or believe it.

I'm amazed at how the nutrient industry has made people think it's rocket science and you need all their crap that just screws the soil equilibrium up. All one has to do is look in this Marijuana Plant Problems section and read what people are feeding their plants. Many are running the full lineup of "name your brand" of overpriced nutrients and additives. Yet they have nothing but problems. That's because all the crap they are dumping on their plants is screwing with the Ph and causing nutrient lockouts. The most common solution posted is to add CalMag, or they have identified a deficiency based off a crappy picture then look at some chart and then state with authority that it's a potassium, or iron, manganese, etc... I think I'm done offering any help or advice. From now on the only posts I'm going to make are those of my grows showing healthy plants that didn't require a dozen bottles of crap or posts showing my progress making crosses, etc... I'll stick to the advanced section, the breeding subsection, the gardening section, and a couple others. I'm finished with this section because people never want to believe how simple growing weed is. They can get their information from some guy on youtube that is just an infomercial for some nutrient line or other grow related product.
I stopped pH down my water to 6 when I measured the runoff from seedlings and it came out 7. I understand that is called buffering. So fuck it, why bother. I haven't measured runoff again because I don't over water to create runoff to measure. I'll check some runoff after I harvest, but I don't think it's going to be that big a deal. Plants look about the same as they did last season.