Thanks mate, that is my crowning accomplishment to date,lol!however unity you have a beautiful avatar i might add
The reason I'm actually on this site!
Thanks mate, that is my crowning accomplishment to date,lol!however unity you have a beautiful avatar i might add
I don't have a problem with my kind of asshole, you see my kind of asshole doesn't get up in arms about a joke.Well, to 'be honest' TBT, I would not mind giving 'your kind' a week of 'let's bang up the world' in Texas (all my brethren in Texas would be forewarned obviously so they could leave), you could get all the amo you wanted along with the small arms and you can 'try to get along' with your friends all by yourselfs in Texas.
I think the world might be a better place afterwards. What do you think TBT, a minimum 30% reduction of assholes is my guess, how about you?
I thought the 'war' was started by the guy feeling let down by the other guys inaction when he had the chance to assassinate our next president.Unity- obama hasn't won yet. second of all why the fuck did you get all defensive all that did was start a war here on the thread. for obama being so fuckin anti war his followers are pretty fuckin violent people. what kind of family person tells people that they hide in the dark masterbating on one another thats fucked up.
I don't have a problem with my kind of asshole, you see my kind of asshole doesn't get up in arms about a joke.
My kind of asshole doesn't fall for demagogues like Obama, nor do we think that freedom of speech must be restricted just because we don't like the message.
My kind of asshole doesn't have any intention of bowing down before tyrants, kings or demagogues, or our elected leaders. They are Elected, which means they must be answerable to the people that elected them. Which Obama (and McCain) has shown they will not be.
To quip "and you didn't kill him" indicates that I understand what rights I have, and fully believe in exercising them. And from what I've seen my kind of asshole being left alone in Texas with a lot of like minded individuals would probably get along just fine. We wouldn't be interfering in each other's business.
It's like the joke, "Why are there no engineers in Hell? Cause if there were Hell would already have air-conditioning."
BTW TBT, that mirror in your avatar is a perfect metaphor for 'you guys'.
No concept of who you are, where your power starts nor ends, no honest reflection, no wonder you guys have to come up with all this bull shit. Just don't forget, that in the end you are still a pussy cat![]()
Come on ccodiane, you got to admit, it was a good one,lol. With an avatar like that TBT is wide open, lol.....................
U N I T Y, that spells hypocrite.
(refer to posts #.....)
Twue. Vewy Twue.Come on ccodiane, you got to admit, it was a good one,lol. With an avatar like that TBT is wide open, lol.![]()
Resorting to personal attacks, I'm rather unamazed.BTW TBT, that mirror in your avatar is a perfect metaphor for 'you guys'.
No concept of who you are, where your power starts nor ends, no honest reflection, no wonder you guys have to come up with all this bull shit. Just don't forget, that in the end you are still a pussy cat![]()
It is hard to believe that, rather then telling the dweebs from the first page to simmer their youthful stupidity down a bit, 'you' guys would rather get in a verbal pissing match with me that drags on for pages,lol.Resorting to personal attacks, I'm rather unamazed.
Of course, to not resort to personal attacks would indicate maturity, and intelligence attributes that you have shown that you do not have.
There is also the small fact that by resorting to insults you show your inability to debate on the facts.
Amazingly, you also stereotype me. You know nothing about me, yet you feel free to stereotype me. Not only is this offensive, but it shows how hypocritical the left is. It's not acceptable for us to stereotype hijackers of airplanes as typically being muslim, but its acceptable for some uneducated dimwit like you to accuse me of being a religious nut.
Give me a break.
Unity, the only thing you get with Unity are tyrants like Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Palpot, Lenin, Milosevic and Mussolini!
Dissent is the foundation of any great Republic, but you wouldn't understand that. You probably believe that retarded fiction that our country is a democracy and not a Republic.
Fair enough!great thread ,
i cant stop laughing at the stupidity of the true believer. even the true believer of a political office or the elected office in question, must take things in perspective and make a choice. and the way that the choice is made is it by hanging on everything that the person is saying and then after the person is in office find out that everything that was said in the debates is and was a lie. the plan facts is during an election you have to figure out who is going to screw you less, because no matter what party is there your going to get screwed some how some way. i truly think that you cant expect a person that has millions of dollars in the bank,or a million dollar house payed for or not, doesnt know what i the person in the ghetto needs.
and i think that unity needs to look into the constitution and see the amendment the articulates the part about free speech. i dont believe that anyone deserves to die for the office that they hold. (dave) but we have the obligation to inform the people that elect the bastards that keep us from having jobs, food, land,etc. from making mistakes. hell bush screwed us the first four years and we elected him the second time to get screwed more. so its everyone that votes problem on why were in this mess in the first place.
I'll suport you!my plans for the united states freeze all prices of any comoditys and apply goverment grants to build gardens to people with any amount of land. to help grow there own food, thus helping the co2 problem the natural way, bringing our troops home that have fought hard for "humanity" and preventing more emissions of unuseable gasses that are killing us, and saveing millions of dollars per bomb,per bullet, per shiped water,food,supplies. and placeing the saved money into health care.
i would also make it a priority to stop out sorceing to other nations commoditys and make the us dependent on there own products.
i would also put a stop on the drug war on none leathel drugs and concentrait on the ones that are leaveing people out on the streets from addiction (crack, meth,haron )
makeing pot and dirivatives of pot legal.
and thats just the start
Thanks Still, it is Black Domina and a bit of co2Unity I love your avatar, what strand is that. Now to everyone else. Some interesting conversation here but off topic a little
Hell, I'm with youim sorry to quote the amendments but it was the only way i could convey my point to just accept that other peoples opinions are just that and nothing else. i try not to go with the flock if ya know what im saying hell anyone that is one this site and others like it. dont ride with the flock. im for what ever politician that will legalize pot so at least if i dont like whats going on in the world at least i can smoke up and let it be, cause i nor u can change it.