Pots too big??


Active Member
Hello all,
I think i may have made a n00b mistake.I planted my two week old seedlings, which I had started in Grodan seed cubes, into pots which I think are probably too big.(7.5" x 7.5" x 10" deep-about 3.6 litre i think).Will this be a problem?I read somewhere that it may cause root rot due to the water not being taken up fast enough and stagnating due to the lack of roots.Will the pots be too big for the seedlings?How often would you water 3 week old seedlings in 3.6 litre pots?

Sorry I can't provide pics atm.

I'm growing in canna coca,using cana A+B nutrients.400 watt HPS.Humidity is pretty low(20-30).Temp about 85.


Well-Known Member
The pots are def. to big but they will be fine. Your growth will be a little slower.

With a HPS and low humidity you shouldn't have to worry about root rot if you keep an eye on your watering.


Active Member
The pots are def. to big but they will be fine. Your growth will be a little slower.

With a HPS and low humidity you shouldn't have to worry about root rot if you keep an eye on your watering.

Thanks.That's put my mind at rest.I think I may be over analysing everything and being a little bit too paranoid.lol.
The thing with the watering is-I've been told it's best to soak them when you water but with the pots being big and the plants so small I don't want to drown them.But then again I dont want to underwater them either.
thanks again


Well-Known Member
as long as your pots have good drainage youll be fine . as for your pots being to big dont worry your roots will be well matured before you have to transplant


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum. The only way you can over water in coco is if you block the drains. Personally I would have transplanted to some thing a little smaller before putting them into this finishing pot. That size of pot would work well in a flood and drain hydro system.
While I was working out some kinks in my system I used a pump and a lenght of hose with a shut-off valve and flooded my plants once a day in coco. As long as you have adequate drainage this will not cause a problem, and all that water pouring out will pull air (o2) to your roots. Are you going to set up a hydro system. VV


Well-Known Member
Why would he have to transplant again. Hydro will finish fine in that size of pot, and give you better yield. You don't need a bigger pot. VV


Active Member
Welcome to the forum. The only way you can over water in coco is if you block the drains. Personally I would have transplanted to some thing a little smaller before putting them into this finishing pot. That size of pot would work well in a flood and drain hydro system.
While I was working out some kinks in my system I used a pump and a lenght of hose with a shut-off valve and flooded my plants once a day in coco. As long as you have adequate drainage this will not cause a problem, and all that water pouring out will pull air (o2) to your roots. Are you going to set up a hydro system. VV
Cheers JoeKikass.

Hello VV.Thanks for the reply.Yea I'm interested in a hydro set up but i think I'll wait till I've got a couple of grows under my belt.Would you advise it over soil based?


Well-Known Member
I would advise you to check out flood and drain hydro right now. Your plants are all set up for it. You don't have to have any fancy set up. You could just have them sitting up on some blocks in a plastic container. How big is the area you have to use. Several folks have posted journals on here that show different ways to accomplish this. VV


Active Member
I would advise you to check out flood and drain hydro right now. Your plants are all set up for it. You don't have to have any fancy set up. You could just have them sitting up on some blocks in a plastic container. How big is the area you have to use. Several folks have posted journals on here that show different ways to accomplish this. VV
Thanks VV.Area is 2' x 4' x 6'.Quite small really.Although I could probably find a bigger space if needed for a flood and drain system.I will look into it.I would'nt even know how to set a flood and drain system up-lol.