trump's unsecured personal phone

Yes you are distorting reality.

How do you get to my neighbors saying things like that and that I am used to hearing it?

You make up everything you try to insult me with just like 5th grade sounding buck.

I'm glad you're so comfortable with anti semitism. You jump to the defense of people who have shamelessly posted racist bullshit. Its not a crime in this country but it shouldnt be celebrated either. Slow clap for you my friend. You may clap with one hand because of your disability.
I'm more into dovetails myself, but nice work if that table is yours.
Don't lie. You want to see it. Possibly even touch it. Just give it a kiss. You know you want to.

I've done an OGXWreck, it was a Purple Wreck. Not bad. I'm not a huge fan of the original OG. I've still got some Tahoe OG lying around that I want to do something with...
Well that's not the og og then now is it?
Oh, so you are a window guy, that is a good respectable trade that requires a pretty good skill set to do well. Very cool, Buck.

Today is a shop maintenance day for me! Quick bandsaw tune up, lap my chisels, and then I have to clean up my table saw blade height adjustment, it feels gunked up. I think I may have to pull the top off but will be nice to get it done. Couple projects to glue up between fiddling. Great fun!

Oh, sorry, I know you don't like to talk woodworking with me! Have a nice day!
L oh fucking el lapping and stropping, same shit right?