First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants

yeah im hoping some time this week to receive those beans..right now i, just focusing on my 2 females i got white hairs everywhere..If i coudnt tell before i can tell now that i got 2 vigorous females..when my aircooled reflector get here these 2 ladys will have the 400 watt to themselves and i wont have to move them back and forth im just gonna leave them in the closet..


Well-Known Member
yeah im hoping some time this week to receive those beans..right now i, just focusing on my 2 females i got white hairs everywhere..If i coudnt tell before i can tell now that i got 2 vigorous females..when my aircooled reflector get here these 2 ladys will have the 400 watt to themselves and i wont have to move them back and forth im just gonna leave them in the closet..
Got mine today. 10 days, regular shipping. Came royal air mail, shipped 9/30, arrive NYC 10/1, west coast on 10/6.

7 fatty and 3 small.


Well-Known Member
well heres my first try at setting up the inline and carbon filter... i just ran the inline in from one side and the carbon filter out the other. this fan is loud as fuck though not cool...


Well-Known Member
idk i havent tried it yet. ima start flowering this weekend so well see. i didnt know this inline would be so damn loud tho i dont even wanna run it...


Well-Known Member
yeah fuck i might not even use it well see if it cools the light if not ill just run the carbon from my exhaust. wont the cover on the hps keep in a lot of heat anyway??
damn that fan is loud..use you duct booster to cool your light and hook that fan to a thermostat with the filter so it only runs to empty out the room when temps are high..