With HUMBLEST apologies to Natrone and MissM, Natrone was absolutely right. I just found out that the statistic (tho it is NOT an accurate one cuz there are no records to validate one way or another, but the most accepted at this time) is 1 outta 8 women died from childbirth. My teach did point out that many complications that women died from later would not be in that stat, and that to die in childbirth was usually after she had already spit out too many babies anyhow. THe birth rate is pretty well documented. But the book said 1 outta 8. So I withdraw and wish to retract that figure in place of the correct one. Still, now 1 in some 30something die in childbirth, so medicine and women's right's have still come a long way.
My bad. Sorry, Natrone, you were spot on and I was wrong. Whoa, was that the rumble of an earthquake I hear?
(Betcha never see Cc or Vi apologize or retract anything. For me, it is ok if I mess up sometimes, how one learns.)