Aussie Growers Thread

D8830724-E69A-4941-939B-0C67CCF5B6B5.jpeg 548B3CBF-B253-4277-934E-3B2B47894FD1.jpeg Going to be trying a few new products indoors Mills A+B base,vitalise,Start and PK boost along with a few of Nuti Techs like their triple 10,Black Gold,Cacium shuttle and Triacontonal.Trying to do a best of both worlds with salt based nutrients and organic or naturally derived stimulants and growth promoters,have a few new ideas I’ve picked up from commercial horticulture and floriculture that I want to test how effective they are when applied to cannabis so this grow could turn out to be something really cool or go down as a complete failure but you don’t learn from doing the same thing as everybody else
View attachment 4141206 View attachment 4141201 Going to be trying a few new products indoors Mills A+B base,vitalise,Start and PK boost along with a few of Nuti Techs like their triple 10,Black Gold,Cacium shuttle and Triacontonal.Trying to do a best of both worlds with salt based nutrients and organic or naturally derived stimulants and growth promoters,have a few new ideas I’ve picked up from commercial horticulture and floriculture that I want to test how effective they are when applied to cannabis so this grow could turn out to be something really cool or go down as a complete failure but you don’t learn from doing the same thing as everybody else
You put a lot of time into your soils. I don't think I'll ever get that far into soils. The full time timber industry job stops me from putting more time into my soils . I think this year I'll just go with creek soil mixed with 10 percent perlite some organic ferts and water crystals. Good luck with the grow.
You put a lot of time into your soils. I don't think I'll ever get that far into soils. The full time timber industry job stops me from putting more time into my soils . I think this year I'll just go with creek soil mixed with 10 percent perlite some organic ferts and water crystals. Good luck with the grow.
This is for indoors I don’t do soil inside.
Our outdoor setups are hugely different your doing it full on guerilla style which in my opinion is the hardest of the hard so we have different priorities and circumstances I’d never think of making soil mixes and shit if I was in your situation let’s just hope the next season is better than the last :)
I think you're doing pretty well as it is working FT and looking after plants scattered around the forest. A man's gotta sleep
Yeah I'm competing with full time growers around my area. A lot of small timers like me and a few big timers. I do almost all of my growing on my bike with a back pack. Wearing normal clothes to look like I'm just on a casual ride through bush. Got a flat tyre last year .rode my bike to a farmers house and the farmers wife was telling me about the cannabis growers out bush she knew what tracks they drove up there rego numbers everything. Better to blend in than stand out.
I think you're doing pretty well as it is working FT and looking after plants scattered around the forest. A man's gotta sleep
I couldn’t do what Bob does anymore it’s to much hard work,I’ve got huge respect for all the guys doing it guerilla style everyone that grows should have to do 1 season out in the forests then they’d appreciate how hard some guys go and how easy they have it growing in their homes
Yeah I'm competing with full time growers around my area. A lot of small timers like me and a few big timers. I do almost all of my growing on my bike with a back pack. Wearing normal clothes to look like I'm just on a casual ride through bush. Got a flat tyre last year .rode my bike to a farmers house and the farmers wife was telling me about the cannabis growers out bush she knew what tracks they drove up there rego numbers everything. Better to blend in than stand out.
There’s a whole different skill set needed isn’t there.
This is for indoors I don’t do soil inside.
Our outdoor setups are hugely different your doing it full on guerilla style which in my opinion is the hardest of the hard so we have different priorities and circumstances I’d never think of making soil mixes and shit if I was in your situation let’s just hope the next season is better than the last :)
2 years of rain . we had 4 weeks of rain or clouds at the start of flowering and it fucked up my indica's stunted the hell out of them. But this year I'm going for potency over yeild. Not interested in selling to new people. Got a handful of good customers who buy then sell to there friends.
I couldn’t do what Bob does anymore it’s to much hard work,I’ve got huge respect for all the guys doing it guerilla style everyone that grows should have to do 1 season out in the forests then they’d appreciate how hard some guys go and how easy they have it growing in their homes
Cheers. Some weeks I do 500 kms with water or checking on them. This year I'm doing more along the way to work. Getting to old to be going further and further out bush.
2 years of rain . we had 4 weeks of rain or clouds at the start of flowering and it fucked up my indica's stunted the hell out of them. But this year I'm going for potency over yeild. Not interested in selling to new people. Got a handful of good customers who buy then sell to there friends.
New guys are almost always trouble I’m fucking tough on them,I figure if they are going to be cunts may aswell find out straight away. Had one guy this year try and beat me down on price I just told him to get fucked didn’t even sell him one at full price I fucking hate cunts who think your a used car salesman
There’s a whole different skill set needed isn’t there.
Yeah I just putt along silent as I can. Blend in way to people chat with them. The young bucks get out there and rallycar from one grow spot to the next. I'll most likely be quizzing you about ferts to use on bodhi strains at the beginning of the season. I'm off I gotta do some pollinating at 5am in the greenhouses. Get in and out before the weekend warriors get out there.
Cheers. Some weeks I do 500 kms with water or checking on them. This year I'm doing more along the way to work. Getting to old to be going further and further out bush.
One of the guys that I started out with was over 60 then and he could carry a 50L bag of fert on each shoulder for hours in the Bush,his rule for picking a spot was to walk till your exhausted then walk for another hour he was a tough old cunt not the type of guy to fuck with but he would treat anyone the way they treated him. He was a good cunt
New guys are almost always trouble I’m fucking tough on them,I figure if they are going to be cunts may aswell find out straight away. Had one guy this year try and beat me down on price I just told him to get fucked didn’t even sell him one at full price I fucking hate cunts who think your a used car salesman
I've had people say I can't afford 240 an ounce .I just told him to pissoff. And the number 1 rule is never come to my house I'll meet them I on a farmers boundary fence.
One of the guys that I started out with was over 60 then and he could carry a 50L bag of fert on each shoulder for hours in the Bush,his rule for picking a spot was to walk till your exhausted then walk for another hour he was a tough old cunt not the type of guy to fuck with but he would treat anyone the way they treated him. He was a good cunt
I don't see any old timers out there anymore. I used to but I put it down to age or rippers. The big patches the old timers used to grow are rare now. To many planes and tourist helicopters here now.