Greenthumb Seeds- GG#4

You say you apologized, but continue to stir the pot and feel you have to get the last word in.........LOL

This is Dr. Gruber's thread, not Dr. GreenThumb' why continue to post it here??? I have lots of complaints about Dr. GreenThumb too, he surely can be an ass more often than not. The seed business has become VERY competitive now, with loads of new breeders showing up monthly. Most of them play the games you are mentioning, it's the nature of the beast.

So, my suggestion is start a thread, and lets compare Dr. GT stories.........but it just doesn't belong here.
You say you apologized, but continue to stir the pot and feel you have to get the last word in.........LOL

This is Dr. Gruber's thread, not Dr. GreenThumb' why continue to post it here??? I have lots of complaints about Dr. GreenThumb too, he surely can be an ass more often than not. The seed business has become VERY competitive now, with loads of new breeders showing up monthly. Most of them play the games you are mentioning, it's the nature of the beast.

So, my suggestion is start a thread, and lets compare Dr. GT stories.........but it just doesn't belong here.
Goid point
simcoe dude

this has to be the most baseless bunch of "opinions" from someone who basically only has an "opinion"

we stick up for doc because of posts like yours..-->people who never grew anything and still have an opinion

as well as we have actually grown stuff and like it..

its" cool" to slag doc..who has been doing this since 1996..

so are " cool."

i could point out errors in your posts but its useless.

its just another drive through slagging..
its not my photo.and never tried gg4....its dr grubes..he just couldn't get it to upload here..

me..i am waiting for three skinny sativa samples to come out of the dehydrator.

[please be ready by 420pm]<---------------
Thanks for posting my photo.....i couldn't get it to load but i have no idea why.....
It went up at the Maine Med site without a hitch.

And yes, I popped only two seeds. I'd bet there are a whole bunch of gems in those packs.
This stuff takes a long time to dry. I thought it would be ready 2 days ago but its just barely dry enough to smoke now and will take another day or two to be perfect.

Thanks for everyones support...well almost everyone.

Thanks for posting my photo.....i couldn't get it to load but i have no idea why.....
It went up at the Maine Med site without a hitch.
Long time no hear doc I hate to hear that you're going through such traumatic events I pray to God that you see your way through it unscaved

And yes, I popped only two seeds. I'd bet there are a whole bunch of gems in those packs.
This stuff takes a long time to dry. I thought it would be ready 2 days ago but its just barely dry enough to smoke now and will take another day or two to be perfect.

Thanks for everyones support...well almost everyone.

Hey Doc It's been a long time I hate to hear that you're going through such a traumatic time like this I pray that you get through this unscaved you and your family and loved ones
its not my photo.and never tried gg4....its dr grubes..he just couldn't get it to upload here..

me..i am waiting for three skinny sativa samples to come out of the dehydrator.

[please be ready by 420pm]<---------------
Hey what's going on Old Mother sativa I see you still keeping the peace out here while giving out crucial information LOL that's what's up
MY wife was supposed to start cancer treatments last week but due to complications they couldn't start. We hope they give the all clear on Thursday and she can get underway.

I saw a surgeon yesterday and set my surgery date to fix my "trigger thumb", on the 8th of June. Should be a 5 minute operation and the success rate is 100%. I got lucky and found a highly recommended surgeon and he agreed to get me in ASAP.

I'm hoping to give the GG4 a good sample today if its fully dry......
MY wife was supposed to start cancer treatments last week but due to complications they couldn't start. We hope they give the all clear on Thursday and she can get underway.

I saw a surgeon yesterday and set my surgery date to fix my "trigger thumb", on the 8th of June. Should be a 5 minute operation and the success rate is 100%. I got lucky and found a highly recommended surgeon and he agreed to get me in ASAP.

I'm hoping to give the GG4 a good sample today if its fully dry......

That's some good news and God knows I needed to hear some LOL I know how it feels I went through the whole breast cancer situation with my stepmother just be strong for her man. On another note I did want to ask you this you said that it was still unusually moist did for whatever reason your humidity go up
That's some good news and God knows I needed to hear some LOL I know how it feels I went through the whole breast cancer situation with my stepmother just be strong for her man. On another note I did want to ask you this you said that it was still unusually moist did for whatever reason your humidity go up

Not really...pretty much the same humidity, give or take.
Not really...pretty much the same humidity, give or take.
I guess I was wondering what was the variable that's making this strain dry slower than the other that you have grown is it the density of the flower compared to the others