The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

There is an interesting turn of phrase in the DoJ's response to the donald:


See it?

"the Russian agents who interfered with the 2016 presidential election".....

No equivocation there. No "suspected", or "alleged", no "attempted". This is a statement of fact. No if's, and's or but's.

Trump's DoJ just announced that in fact, the Russian's DID interfere. They didn't attempt to interfere. They interfered.

As it gets hotter Donald is gonna scream louder and dance harder. You'd have to be an idiot to think Trump was innocent of criminal conspiracy with the russians in stealing the 2016 election, they are smarter than Trump at the FBI, more disciplined too. I don't figure Donald has too many fans left in the FBI, DOJ or national security community, in fact thousands are out to fuck him without even any need to be told to do so, their oaths to their country and constitution took care of that.

“THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated”

― Thomas Paine, The Crisis
As it gets hotter Donald is gonna scream louder and dance harder. You'd have to be an idiot to think Trump was innocent of criminal conspiracy with the russians in stealing the 2016 election, they are smarter than Trump at the FBI, more disciplined too. I don't figure Donald has too many fans left in the FBI, DOJ or national security community, in fact thousands are out to fuck him without even any need to be told to do so, their oaths to their country and constitution took care of that.

“THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated”

― Thomas Paine, The Crisis

He summoned rosenstein and wray to the white house for a 3:00 dress down. Will they resign?
He summoned rosenstein and wray to the white house for a 3:00 dress down. Will they resign?
If I were either one, I would make him fire me.
maybe somebody is concealed carrying... you know, the republican way...
Heh, I had thought of a patriotic secret service person, but no, the country needs to suffer for this traitor's election. Then, have Justice fall upon Pence, Ryan, McConnell, Nunes and the rest of the White supremacist House.
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If I were either one, I would make him fire me.

Heh, I had thought of a patriotic secret service person, but no, the country needs to suffer for this traitor's election. Then, have Justice fall upon Pence, Ryan, McConnell, Nunes and the rest of the white supremacist house.

I'm 50/50 on street justice vs a trial but our criminal justice system is a joke.
Anyone have a Travis Bickle like friend who just needs some words of encouragement?
I'd say things are coming to a head soon with Donald and the DOJ, they are caving for a reason and it doesn't have anything to do with keeping their jobs and incomes. There is 7 months until congress changes hands if the Democrats win in November 5 months until the election day, if Trump is president in november and the republicans lose, what do you think trump will do between november and january?

Even if they do in Trump, it's gotta be bad for the GOP in November, if not it will be the end of the republic, the population would be too stupid to be free. The people get the kind of government they deserve and 40% of the voters in America are complete fools and will drag the rest down, there's tribal and then there's suicidal. This struggle is becoming life or death, your country is going down the toilet, the level corruption and abuse of power is beyond belief.

If they don't get rid of Trump soon yer gonna have one Hell of a summer this year, 1968 will look like a picnic and the mayors and cops will be on the protesters side or divided themselves.

Are ya tired of winning yet
I'd say things are coming to a head soon with Donald and the DOJ, they are caving for a reason and it doesn't have anything to do with keeping their jobs and incomes. There is 7 months until congress changes hands if the Democrats win in November 5 months until the election day, if Trump is president in november and the republicans lose, what do you think trump will do between november and january?

Even if they do in Trump, it's gotta be bad for the GOP in November, if not it will be the end of the republic, the population would be too stupid to be free. The people get the kind of government they deserve and 40% of the voters in America are complete fools and will drag the rest down, there's tribal and then there's suicidal. This struggle is becoming life or death, your country is going down the toilet, the level corruption and abuse of power is beyond belief.

If they don't get rid of Trump soon yer gonna have one Hell of a summer this year, 1968 will look like a picnic and the mayors and cops will be on the protesters side or divided themselves.

Are ya tired of winning yet
Tales from magic fairy land . Nice story though.
The constitutional crisis is here

By Eugene Robinson
Opinion writer
May 21 at 7:48 PM
Email the author
Stop waiting for the constitutional crisis that President Trump is sure to provoke. It’s here.

On Sunday, via Twitter, Trump demanded that the Justice Department concoct a transparently political investigation, with the aim of smearing veteran professionals at Justice and the FBI and also throwing mud at the previous administration. Trump’s only rational goal is casting doubt on the probe by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, which appears to be closing in.

Trump’s power play is a gross misuse of his presidential authority and a dangerous departure from long-standing norms. Strongmen such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin use their justice systems to punish enemies and deflect attention from their own crimes. Presidents of the United States do not — or did not, until Sunday’s tweet:

“I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes — and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!”

Rather than push back and defend the rule of law, Justice tried to mollify the president by at least appearing to give him what he wants. The Republican leadership in Congress has been silent as a mouse. This is how uncrossable lines are crossed.

Tales from magic fairy land . Nice story though.
Are you one of the fools who believes Trump? Or do ya just wanna git them thar liberals that make you feel stupid?
Why don't you invest your money with him, yer willing to invest yer life and liberty, why not?

Donald is dancing and howling for a reason and the reason is treason
Are you one of the fools who believes Trump? Or do ya just wanna git them thar liberals that make you feel stupid?
Why don't you invest your money with him, yer willing to invest yer life and liberty, why not?

Donald is dancing and howling for a reason and the reason is treason

Don't waste your breath on these tRUmpanzees, they thrive on hate and facts play no role in their thinking. They just love throwing feces.
The constitutional crisis is here

By Eugene Robinson
Opinion writer
May 21 at 7:48 PM
Email the author
Stop waiting for the constitutional crisis that President Trump is sure to provoke. It’s here.

On Sunday, via Twitter, Trump demanded that the Justice Department concoct a transparently political investigation, with the aim of smearing veteran professionals at Justice and the FBI and also throwing mud at the previous administration. Trump’s only rational goal is casting doubt on the probe by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, which appears to be closing in.

Trump’s power play is a gross misuse of his presidential authority and a dangerous departure from long-standing norms. Strongmen such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin use their justice systems to punish enemies and deflect attention from their own crimes. Presidents of the United States do not — or did not, until Sunday’s tweet:

“I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes — and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!”

Rather than push back and defend the rule of law, Justice tried to mollify the president by at least appearing to give him what he wants. The Republican leadership in Congress has been silent as a mouse. This is how uncrossable lines are crossed.

Crisis schmisis. ;)

This has been a rolling catastrophe since before the twirp illegitimately took office.

Did the doj cave, or is it just a roper dope? Time will tell. Trump intended to thwart the constitution and weaponize the DoJ, but they are giving him the big bag of office supplies instead of the treasury. The constitution is flawed, without doubt, but it is designed to be slow moving and requires lots of gears to turn to make anything significant happen.

While this frustrates us and keeps trump's regime in power longer than we would like, it also frustrates him and prevents him from taking total control quickly.

Assigning the IG to look at something that didn't happen is the pro-forma equivalent of stiff arming an offensive player. It's not like hoover assigning his shadow investigation unit which attempted to prove things that never happened. Te Ig will look and not find. It's what they do if nothing is there.

Worry not. This is not the crisis you are worried about. That is coming, but not here yet.
Crisis schmisis. ;)

This has been a rolling catastrophe since before the twirp illegitimately took office.

Did the doj cave, or is it just a roper dope? Time will tell. Trump intended to thwart the constitution and weaponize the DoJ, but they are giving him the big bag of office supplies instead of the treasury. The constitution is flawed, without doubt, but it is designed to be slow moving and requires lots of gears to turn to make anything significant happen.

While this frustrates us and keeps trump's regime in power longer than we would like, it also frustrates him and prevents him from taking total control quickly.

Assigning the IG to look at something that didn't happen is the pro-forma equivalent of stiff arming an offensive player. It's not like hoover assigning his shadow investigation unit which attempted to prove things that never happened. Te Ig will look and not find. It's what they do if nothing is there.

Worry not. This is not the crisis you are worried about. That is coming, but not here yet.

I've seen some hints for unsealing things in July and going after him.
Crisis schmisis. ;)

This has been a rolling catastrophe since before the twirp illegitimately took office.

Did the doj cave, or is it just a roper dope? Time will tell. Trump intended to thwart the constitution and weaponize the DoJ, but they are giving him the big bag of office supplies instead of the treasury. The constitution is flawed, without doubt, but it is designed to be slow moving and requires lots of gears to turn to make anything significant happen.

While this frustrates us and keeps trump's regime in power longer than we would like, it also frustrates him and prevents him from taking total control quickly.

Assigning the IG to look at something that didn't happen is the pro-forma equivalent of stiff arming an offensive player. It's not like hoover assigning his shadow investigation unit which attempted to prove things that never happened. Te Ig will look and not find. It's what they do if nothing is there.

Worry not. This is not the crisis you are worried about. That is coming, but not here yet.
This is closer to a rope-a-dope. It makes no sense to tell him to fuck off when indictments are coming that will render the question moot.

More than likely the DOJ is being a little PR conscious too. Trump would have a better standing to attack them as "deep state" which he will certainly do anyway.