In the south White Trash is not just a saying. It's a class of folks. Not as shit on as blacks or Hispanics, but still shit on.
Alright, I will do the best I can. But no promises.
"In the south White Trash is not just a saying. It's a class of folks."
This means that there is a class of folks who happen to be white, but still display all the outward signs of being discriminated against. {I was speaking of the South, but I'm sure they are all over the country. I wouldn't want to comment on something I didn't have personal experience with} This includes all the usual suspects. Higher interest on loans, higher incarnation rates, high rates of heart disease, cancer and many other preventable illnesses. Shorter life expectation, less education, lower wages when they are employed. Higher rates of poverty, single parents, teen pregnancy, etc, etc.
This next part is what you may have had some trouble with.
"Not as shit on as blacks or Hispanics, but still shit on."
{I'm sorry I have to do this, but some clause grammar is called for. This being a weed forum, I don't always use the proper grammar, and for that I am truly sorry. When there is a comma before the word but, that makes it a dependent clause. As any 5th grader could plainly see, the two statements in the above sentence are Independent clauses, so I should not have used the comma. Do not let this distract from the over all lesson}
Not as shit on as black or Hispanics but still shit on. That means that while others {in this case, with darker skin} receive more discrimination, they are still discriminated against. {for more fun with grammar, think of the :Not as" as a Comparative Construction. It is a device used to compare and contrast two or more things}
I hope this helped.