Aussie Growers Thread

Lol im sorry but i cant see how oz is being any thing other than hes normell self so i dont get why u have a problem i have been on itfor 12 hours tho so may have missed a few things lol
Half strength organic nutes hahaha wtf are you talking about
Your half right this is the Aussie Growers thread but you are NOT a grower your a water boy remember it was your friend that gave you the clones your friend that told you to grow in coco your friend that told you what nutes to use and how much to do the people on this thread that told you how to get rid of mites so all you did was water them and you think your a grower lol
My plants were no pin up models that’s for sure but seriously I wouldn’t have smoked that schwaggy imature toxic shit you photoshopped and it still looked worse than the shit I throw away and you count your yield in ounces lol that was a good one. Here’s a tip next time count it in grams it will sound even bigger :) no need to thank me for that either .
Hahaha fuck this is better than the telly.