Forward Together; A New Model for Direct Action in Politics?

Peaceful people do not violate laws against pedophilia or racial segregation

Peaceful people do not use force or the threat of it on other people who simply ask to be left alone.

Hillary Clinton thinks she has a right to intervene in everyone's life. She is not a peaceful person and neither are you.
Tell me about all the critical thought that goes into kicking someone out of a store because of their skin color, nazi girl

On the surface you almost sound rational sometimes...until somebody asks you to explain why you think it's okay to force a black guy to serve you against his will. Then you run away and cry, Poopy girl.
Peaceful people do not use force or the threat of it on other people who simply ask to be left alone.

Hillary Clinton thinks she has a right to intervene in everyone's life. She is not a peaceful person and neither are you.
Peaceful people do not kick black people out of stores you pedophile
On the surface you almost sound rational sometimes...until somebody asks you to explain why you think it's okay to force a black guy to serve you against his will. Then you run away and cry, Poopy girl.
The klan said they want their alternate revisionist history back
Peaceful people do not kick black people out of stores you pedophile

So, if a black guy met you at the door of his property where he sometimes conducts business and told you that you weren't welcome there, you'd get a gun and make sure he served you, even if he made it clear he didn't want you there?

Would you burn a cross on his front lawn to show him his place too?
The klan said they want their alternate revisionist history back

Your hero, FDR called. He said he's on your side.

Gee, I wonder why people call you a Nazi, Nazi.
Just showing what revisionist history does.
History lauds Henry Ford as a genius but somehow forgets the other parts of his legacy.
Much like the left loves to cry 'Nazi!" but forget the many more millions that the Bolsheviks murdered than WWII Germany.
Just showing what revisionist history does.
History lauds Henry Ford as a genius but somehow forgets the other parts of his legacy.
Much like the left loves to cry 'Nazi!" but forget the many more millions that the Bolsheviks murdered than WWII Germany.
condemn Nazis. What's so difficult about that?
Just showing what revisionist history does.
History lauds Henry Ford as a genius but somehow forgets the other parts of his legacy.
Much like the left loves to cry 'Nazi!" but forget the many more millions that the Bolsheviks murdered than WWII Germany.
Thank you for vomitting up some word salad, Nazi.

Rather than running candidates for office, they focus on direct action, rallies, protests, and inclusive shows of strength in numbers.

Consciously nonpartisan, they organize around issues, in deliberate repudiation of the elitist 'us vs them' games of divide and conquer.

This seems like a model for change from the grassroots upward. It's been highly effective in North Carolina.

The slogan seems sooooooo familiar.

Isn’t that the name of Hillary’s ‘new group’ aka PAC?

“Racist, insist, persist, enlist.”

Hillary Rodham Clinton

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So, if a black guy met you at the door of his property where he sometimes conducts business and told you that you weren't welcome there, you'd get a gun and make sure he served you, even if he made it clear he didn't want you there?

Would you burn a cross on his front lawn to show him his place too?
the klan called, they want their imaginary history back