The drama in the thread reflects the breeder.
Didn’t Gu piss off Karma by using Polar Bear testers to breed with?
And then he did the same thing with Monster Cookies testers? And didn’t those crosses herm like crazy?
And then he pissed off JJ by using Stardawg in everything?
And now he hyped up, lied about, and sold fake seeds.
There’s a good chance he should’ve known they were fake as early as a few weeks ago. @Gu~ knew that SAG had undercut him, well, the places he undercut him at had already started to figure out the seeds were fake before the Lemon Tree even dropped. Think about that.
Oh, and his CC processor (that is still active!!!!) is selling CC info.
At some point, people gotta stop pointing the finger at everybody else. If this thread is all drama, it’s because Gu embroils himself in drama. He does shady shit and pisses people off. You don’t see this shit in the Bodhi thread.