Why are there so many Trump supporters on RIU?

No fucking supporters in the UK that's for sure. Coming here is not a welcome visit, he MAY as well be KIM.

I expect that cunt Trump will receive a warm welcome in GB, and London especially.

Pussy Trump has been staying away from GB, I wonder why?


I can't wait to hear his address to Parliament, 1/2 will be throwing shoes probably.

Gotta play this (luv Clash), it really means nothing, but hopefully a few boys and girls are going to come out of their "cupboards" in GB, and show Trump, firsthand what they think of him.

He won't be in Kansas anymore, Dorothy

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Go ahead and move there then. You know what socialism is and so does Bernie Fucking Sanders. The next step to communism after it fails. That really will end well for the people, it always does. The bigger the Gov the smaller the people....No way around that AT ALL.
They say that "we've" become intolerant and unwilling to discuss issues. Your reply is an example of what's wrong with that statement. Fucking asshole right wingers lose their fucking minds when somebody presents an alternative argument and they drop into a defensive authoritarian stance. "OH YEAH, WELL THEN MOVE IF YOU DISAGREE WITH ME".

I'm not moving anywhere. I was born here. I've made real contributions to this country. Parts of my family tree have been here for much more than 150 years. Some were relatively recent immigrants who came here with practically nothing. Family members fought on both sides of the civil war, fought in WW1, WW2 and Korea. Except for the ones who fought for the south, members of my family shed blood for freedom of speech and the right to vote. I'll use both to defeat right wing radicals like you.

In other discussions with you, I've found that you have a fuzzy understanding of the facts. Socialism can be a very broad term or it can mean social programs like public schools and the military. If you mean socialism is communism, which is not wrong depending on the definition of the word, then that is a completely different matter. I'm simply asking what you object to when you say "fuck socialism and fuck the Democratic party".
You haven't answered one question that I have asked in two days dipshit. You are such a fucking cry baby. FYI- a hollowed out tampon absorbs tears too.
If you like socialism so much, your going be moving, because the United States is done with that shit. (I didnt read your whole book you posted but) California is callin........You Democrats are a sinking ship, and guess whose getting the life raft. Not you
The blue tsunami has made you fearful. I tried to understand what you are saying but all you are doing is backing deeper into a defensive hole. You are afraid to talk and explain yourself because I am challenging your false beliefs.
I am challenging your false beliefs.
No you are annoying me with your constant whining and I don't have time to go in circle with you, I have already established I don't really care to read more of your bullshit. Adios
Afraid of the blue wave?
That was funny. Yeah I'm real scared.
Are you for real?