The UK Growers Thread!

I wouldnt go for that yellow from peace inc id bet money it wont be the color it is in the pic and theres a few feedbacks saying the same.

Plus a 4.84 aint a great rating really, and proper high grade hash aint ever 40quid a Q
Hey Man, how do you find the heat waves when doing the loft thing? I was toying with the idea of building a secret loft in my new place until that heat a few weeks ago. But i think im cursed with the size of the roof area and the direction it faces getting sun for most of the day. Now im thinking of an ensuit with the fans all tucked away in the loft. I still cant decide, not that im in a rush at the moment.
Also thinking of trying the NFT again, i cant believe how cheap NFT systems are these days compared to any other hydro.
I have lights on during the night and I have a ten inch exhaust and an eight inch intake so that keeps the temperature the same as outside.
can anyone PLEASE advise me on decent pre mixed soil and where to get it from im losing my mind trying to search for a decent pre mixed soil from in the UK
Soil.......biobizz allmix is a good soil to use.....just plant and water for the first couple of week then start your feed at half strength cause the soils so rich little amounts r all that's required. ........order from most good websites,i use the one stop grow shop free delivery and quick (3days to me in scotland) reasonable priced £12 I think.......or ,...get it from your local grow shop.......
what about canna terra plus its 12-14-24 but doesn't have perlite its derinetly between that or bio bizz all mix but i mean if i dont have to feed for the first couple of weeks which is what im looking for i think ill just go for bio bizz all mix so whene i get it and lets say the first 3 weeks i dont have to feed when i have to start feeding should i transplant into bio bizz all mix with manure and compost added or should i just mix that in to begin with ( i will obviously have to add extra perlite when i do)
Add nothing it's all init (that's what you asked for)..........stick with allmix for now.......when you get more experience you'll be able understand it more and Taylor your medium to your needs(use wotever suit your needs)......
Well lads, how’s everyone keeping??

Sorry guys, I vanished & was laying low there for months...due to, well an unfortunate stop & search shall we say.

Roobarb, DST, great to see some old names! Zeddd, I like the new thumbnail...pretty trippy!

Mastergrower or the slipper bandit around these days??
Well lads, how’s everyone keeping??

Sorry guys, I vanished & was laying low there for months...due to, well an unfortunate stop & search shall we say.

Roobarb, DST, great to see some old names! Zeddd, I like the new thumbnail...pretty trippy!

Mastergrower or the slipper bandit around these days??
MG pops in now and then and Slipper has just harvested so he's probably oot his nut and going through rehab lol. He'll be back of course.
Well lads, how’s everyone keeping??

Sorry guys, I vanished & was laying low there for months...due to, well an unfortunate stop & search shall we say.

Roobarb, DST, great to see some old names! Zeddd, I like the new thumbnail...pretty trippy!

Mastergrower or the slipper bandit around these days??
Never heard of you
MG pops in now and then and Slipper has just harvested so he's probably oot his nut and going through rehab lol. He'll be back of course.

Is master back growing again? Last I heard he had stopped for awhile.

Haha Lex is going through the regular process then. I must check up, last time I was talking to him he was running GG#4 & some other red something strain!

How ya keeping anyway DST?