Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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I'm having trouble giving directions to my buddy. which way is south? he keeps telling me his compasses is spinning and only reading south or north.View attachment 4133850

so if I'm standing in Brazil looking south and your in South Africa looking south and our friend is in Australia looking south WHO THE HELL IS REALLY LOOKING SOUTH?

Australia isn't really there - it's a fictional distraction invented by the govt.

I mean, look how fake those kangaroo's are.
THAT'S clearly fake news.

Because I didn't go to school, I'm certified to discuss non-science, and I can now peer thru the veil of reality that you poor motherfuckers are blinded by. I can therefore clearly see the sewing marks on that silly creature, as well as the Made at NASA label... You poor blind bastards.
THAT'S clearly fake news.

Because I didn't go to school, I'm certified to discuss non-science, and I can now peer thru the veil of reality that you poor motherfuckers are blinded by. I can therefore clearly see the sewing marks on that silly creature, as well as the Made at NASA label... You poor blind bastards.
LIES! LIES AND SLANDER! You do NOT see sewing marks on that beast, i assembled it with hot glue and staples....
i always thought it was like take your kid to work day, and daughter nature found an old beaver tail and a box of duck bills...
now mother nature is stuck with the platypus, cause she can't hurt her kids feelings. but she did send it somewhere no one sane would live.....

Mother nature : here lets take a duck, beaver and part of the kangaroo and put them together :poof:

Mother nature: well that didn't work, hey father time "puff puff pass"

Father Time : We'll that didn't go as planned did it

Mother Nature : :finger: Father time...
Motion requires energy. If the earth is spinning 1000 mph what powers it? Perpetual motion is impossible. Where is this massive amount of energy that the earth needs to spin? Ummm because maybe it's fixed and immovable. Terra Firma LMAO stop ignoring physics globetards.
So it takes no energy to suspend the sun and the moon above a flat Earth? What force gives them lift?
You can zoom in on stars and see they are not spheres and they are not rotating. The stars are merely lights that are set in the dome. The thought of outer space being non existent breaks your atheist hearts. Nikon p900 i assume you can't afford it so go to YouTube and see them zoom in on stars and ships on the ocean. I win again!
What energy powers these lights, enough to give 10000 lumens/sqft during sunlight hours.
I'm having trouble giving directions to my buddy. which way is south? he keeps telling me his compasses is spinning and only reading south or north.View attachment 4133850

so if I'm standing in Brazil looking south and your in South Africa looking south and our friend is in Australia looking south WHO THE HELL IS REALLY LOOKING SOUTH?
Except you could not see far enough to determine True South, because of many factors, including the curvature of the oblate spheroid upon which we live and the atmosphere that protects us. Or is the atmosphere a hoax to fool the sheeple into believeing the “official story,” too? We may never know...
Excpet you cannot see that far because of many factors, inckuding the curvature of the oblate spheroid upon which we live and the atmosphere that protects us? Os is the atmosphere a hoax to fool the sheeple into believeing the “official story,” too? We may never know...
Wee don't need any arguments about horizons. What else do you think we created pollution for, anyway?
I don't get it, how stupid can one be to organise and go to a convention when all they need to do before, is to get their hands on a telescope and reach sea level, observe a distant lighthouse, get google maps and do the maths, estimate how much of the lighthouse must be seen and voila. I personally went to a point where I expected the lighthouse to be 2/3 below horizon, took an ex-flat earther with me, and there it was, sticking like an erect thing, up the flat earth's ass. Right then and there, the guy who was with me dropped that bullshit and stopped wasting his time. I think the convention is the convention of idiots with a fine filter to leave everyone with the slightest brain power out.
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