Market it going down fast

1-2weeks ago hearing hard time at 10-11 but yeah things are moving along. Legalization delay plus busts were back at 2+
business as usual...

and you were complaining again why?

Its not really, its been 4 months of serious slow down that I or anyone never seen before like this, when I can pick up descent stuff for $500 its not sustainable. Now this guy is big enough to know his market but that's yet to be seen.

Besides why do you care what the business is like since you state you're only medical and this is a medical forum.
what happened 9 years back ? price went to hell...and there wasn't any talk about legal...
due to your belief?'s not all about medical. I've said that many many times...
I like seeing good business do well!:idea:
I don't like shifty people who do shit business and try and pull the wool over peoples eyes..
what happened 9 years back ? price went to hell...and there wasn't any talk about legal...
due to your belief?'s not all about medical. I've said that many many times...
I like seeing good business do well!:idea:
I don't like shifty people who do shit business and try and pull the wool over peoples eyes..

9 years? Only time prices dropped here was at height off MMAR with the influx of extra weed in the market but it never went below $900 and was for a pretty short time and at the start of US legalization should add back then the product still moved now its not). Now we have glut of ACMPR weed and US weed prices dropping in the west coast. We also were far away from a secondary legal market. The only other time I saw hydrostore have market issues were around 2009 where most municipalities here were doing the 24/28 hour electrical inspections. That pretty much killed the hydro store customer base even worse than now as people were getting No Occupancy notices on their doors and the market tanked.
Well houses are going up for sale. Talked to a few people last few days and they're friends have closed down and put the houses up for sale. One guy has 3 houses on his street that had med grows in them and all have for sale sings on the lawns.
Yup market taking a beating.

Lower Mainland hydro stores are fucked atm. The interior like Kelowna is not as bad but I hear 40% less in sales for the last several months and on the coast 50-60% less in sales. Summer doesn't help either as its always a slow down. There are a couple wholesaler that I talk to that are open about their sales and what is happening in the industry and lot of hydro stores are planning to shut down if its like this for the next 4 months or so as sales are fucked. Cannabis advertising being illegal come Oct 18 and dispensaries shutting down where lots of people are selling their weed to now is going to basicly kill off the dubs and trips/quads going down to $800-1000. Which can work as long as the product is moving... but not like now where its barely moving.
Lower Mainland hydro stores are fucked atm. The interior like Kelowna is not as bad but I hear 40% less in sales for the last several months and on the coast 50-60% less in sales. Summer doesn't help either as its always a slow down. There are a couple wholesaler that I talk to that are open about their sales and what is happening in the industry and lot of hydro stores are planning to shut down if its like this for the next 4 months or so as sales are fucked. Cannabis advertising being illegal come Oct 18 and dispensaries shutting down where lots of people are selling their weed to now is going to basicly kill off the dubs and trips/quads going down to $800-1000. Which can work as long as the product is moving... but not like now where its barely moving.
Gonna be a lot of pissed off consumers when their present go to dispensary ONLY sells LP weed. I predict a backlash from retailers once they realize sales are weak. Some may bring back in the old favorites as a disobedience. Giver boys........REBEL
Wow so many people quitting growing and going back to work :( Talking to a few guys even really nice stuff can't move for $800 anymore and concentrate guys are slowing down also.I can get oil in a syringe for $10 now wholesale. As of last week been told there's 6 hydro stores up for sale atm on the coast. Crazy times and Oct 17 still to come and the dispensaries the last places where you can still get $1400 will be no more.
Wow so many people quitting growing and going back to work :( Talking to a few guys even really nice stuff can't move for $800 anymore and concentrate guys are slowing down also.I can get oil in a syringe for $10 now wholesale. As of last week been told there's 6 hydro stores up for sale atm on the coast. Crazy times and Oct 17 still to come and the dispensaries the last places where you can still get $1400 will be no more.
Market is totally shit here too in Sask. I know earlier on in this thread I mentioned things were normal here but as it turns out that was more of a case of me being out of the loop:shock::oops:.

Do you guys think the bubble will eventually burst or do you think these prices are here to stay?
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Just wait until Croptober in ON...Canada will be overrun with quality Cannabis (AAA outdoor). I predict lb prices to be under 1k until XMas.
Market is totally shit here too in Sask. I know earlier on in this thread I mentioned things were normal here but as it turns that was more of a case of me being out of the loop:shock::oops:.

Do you guys think the bubble will eventually burst or do you think these prices are here to stay?
I think we won't see $120/bbl crude for a while and I don't think you will sell $10/g for much longer if you still do. The markets are flooded. Bust.

The hydro shops charge an arm and a leg compared to the same prices as online. The selection doesn't come close. Peavy Mart and home Depot are selling cheap nutes, medium and lights. New growers probably won't go to the shops and old grower's can buy good brands cheaper online. The days of parking out back and walking in with cash aren't really necessary anymore.
I think we won't see $120/bbl crude for a while and I don't think you will sell $10/g for much longer if you still do. The markets are flooded. Bust.

The hydro shops charge an arm and a leg compared to the same prices as online. The selection doesn't come close. Peavy Mart and home Depot are selling cheap nutes, medium and lights. New growers probably won't go to the shops and old grower's can buy good brands cheaper online. The days of parking out back and walking in with cash aren't really necessary anymore.

Actually whats funny is someone coming in to the store and asking for a price on something then I tell them the price, then they scoff at it and show me a website with a price that same as I quoted they I tell them about the site being in the US and those are US dollars :wall:
Well there's one more hurtle and that's Oct 17 and dispensaries going away. Those are the only places that pay $1400 but even now they take it on a cuff and only up to 5lb at a time. Once those are gone that $1400 weed becomes $1000 or less. Unless 1/2 of current growers and their weed disappear overnight there will be glut in the system for a while now also competing with legal stuff. How will it work out, well who knows. If you don't have a job now that covers your bills forget making a living off of growing weed unless you can piece out OZ at $90-100 all day long.

Here's what Trudeau's "incidental" was all about in 2015, IMO:


[ http:// ]


[ http:// ]
Which boils down to systematic VILIFICATION in any form conceivable, e.g. "Tumbled" and/or "Blasted", etc., etc .

So in the end even @ 4.29$ CAD/g that's still bad news: mecanised processing serves LPs 1st while bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists should be satisfied that such cheating actually implements more Cultural Genocide, because after all "everyone does it" shall be the norm on the miserable land of cap'tain Itnoc - "legal" or otherwise...

In The Name Of Children!!

Good day, have fun!!