Random Jabber Jibber thread


Well-Known Member
For how offensive you say that particular meme was.. you're the only one posting it EVERY WHERE! ... How many people do you think you have offended that take life as seriously as you little boy?
you just called me a racist for reposting that fried chicken and basketball meme, but have been siding with cannabineer and annie this whole time as they swear up and down that their buddy GWN, who originally posted that picture is totally not racist

do you even realize how incredibly stupid you are?


Well-Known Member
you just called me a racist for reposting that fried chicken and basketball meme, but have been siding with cannabineer and annie this whole time as they swear up and down that their buddy GWN, who originally posted that picture is totally not racist

do you even realize how incredibly stupid you are?
No! How stupid am I..? please tell me.. be sure to use very small words..


Well-Known Member
well, thanks for backing me up on that one and calling @GreatwhiteNorth a racist. because he is.
Twist my words all you want.. just for the record the only people i see spouting off racist shit is you.. all of the members of this forum see you for who you really are.. you've done an excellent job of painting a hi-def picture of your self through your own actions..

I'll be waiting for your weak ass reply from you regurgitating the same shit over and over..


Well-Known Member
Twist my words all you want.. just for the record the only people i see spouting off racist shit is you.. all of the members of this forum see you for who you really are.. you've done an excellent job of painting a hi-def picture of your self through your own actions..

I'll be waiting for your weak ass reply from you regurgitating the same shit over and over..
"the pot calling the kettle black" has a very specific meaning. i have no need to twist your words

sorry your own stupidity tripped you up. it made me laugh though, so there's that


Well-Known Member
are you really so stupid that you think i am calling usage of a common phrase racist? holy balls you are dumb.

review your statement again and try to figure it out

glad you are on their side and not mine
Their was no double meaning in my post you're referring to.. only a person of your character would seek out a racist implication from that comment.. but keep fishing.. pick apart everyone if my post and find something that offends you..