Safety seedbank shipping to indonesia


Well-Known Member
Hi newbie heres... Need advise please !!!
Which seedbank have good reputable always 100% safely shipping to country where it illegal.
As u know everything about weed is illegal heres.
I cant take the risk if get caught n go to jail.
If my package seized by customs ... What will be next happen is the cops will knock my door.
Regards from indonesia.. !!!
Seed-city or Seedsman.
Im from Southeast Asia and they ship there just fine. Buy some bitcoin and add stealthy shipping
If your shipping get seized by customs they will crushed its and you will receive some letters. But they dont knock your door for sure At least in my country dunno about your, is illegal in my country too. Hard and expensive to buy seeds when you live in 3rd world
Paradise1 :
May i know where r u from ??
U must to know indonesia n singapore have very tight customs inspection rather than othen Asean country else..
Im from vietnam,
communism so u know what up,
customs here is asshole too, they will open and search every mail shipping from another country, and weed here its extremely illegal , one joint they can put you in prison for years, but with stealthy shipping they will ship till you receive its and with they methods the seeds is very hard to find
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Im from vietnam,
communism so u know what up,
customs here is asshole too, they will open and search every mail shipping from another country, and weed here its extremely illegal , one joint they can put you in prison for years, but with stealthy shipping they will ship till you receive its and with they methods the seeds is very hard to find

I wana ask bro... Whn u order from seedcity what stealth package r u using ?? Vcd case or lego toys ??
N how about seedsman package ?? Wht the stuff they use for ???
Just add stealth and it will Guaranteed shipping. Sometime they send its in lego toys, sometime as a gift, books.... whatever method they ship here just fine. I ordered many times . Just add stealthy shipping, they will know how to package and wait you dont have worry.
@tigres so, how did it go? Considering the same. Did you get it? The recent BNN news have got me rather paranoid.

Hello gan.. I did not yet... I still confuse which seedbank im chosse for safely ship here... U know about Be en en...
I guest u r indo too...
Minta no wa atw kontak yg lain bro.. Biar enk kta curhat.
@tigres @my_second suhu-suhu boleh kenalan gak? :lol::lol:
mau nanya2 nih, masih perdana butuh banyak belajar dan bimbingan
sekarang gue lagi jalan seedling ada 10 tapi lokal semua
mua coba beli di weedseedexpress tapi gak tau cara penggunan bitcoin


You got balls i give you that your country is not very 420 friendly despite its long history with the plant good luck man hope u get seeds through ok
Yeah you know what, you can spend 5 years in prison for having only one fucking joint, damn!!
yeah i got friends there im aware it sucks man im in the uk myself it aint legal but we get a slap on the wrist compared to u guys tis a shametoo cos your country could make a fortune growing and exporting tbh even if they just allowed tourists to go and smoke they would rake it in hopefully oneday they see sense cant see it anytime soon tho
Im curious Is there any other traditional types from your country other than sumatran or aceh and papau new Guinea that you know of ?
I think that's all. Majority of weed sold here (in Java) are brick weed from sumatra. I never had anything other than that.
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