Chemtrails, what are they? Vote Here..!

Chemtrails are:

  • 1) Condensation trails from high altitude jets

    Votes: 25 51.0%
  • 2) Something purposely being hidden

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • 3) Something purposely being sprayed

    Votes: 13 26.5%
  • 4) Geoengineering

    Votes: 4 8.2%
  • 5) Other

    Votes: 6 12.2%

  • Total voters
Your denial that this is more than jet wash is at best, silly

Almost since planes were able to take to the sky they were used in geoengineering and in warfare, in World War I clouds were seeded to cause rain that would cause mud to affect battle conditions, imagine the leaps governments have made in the hundred plus years in geoengineering since then ?
is our government at war with us? are they performing nationwide experiments, in secret? the government can't keep it secret that the president paid a whore to keep her mouth shut, how the fuck could they keep a secret of this magnitude for years?
when you can tell me what it is they're spraying, and why, i might take you more seriously. take air samples in the area where you see all these planes. get them analyzed. if you find ANYTHING out of the ordinary, then, and only then, will i ever take this even slightly seriously.
I agree in part, I am a dangerous man because I have the truth and it is not possible for you to deceive me. I also think I see a truth about you, I beginning to suspect you're a bit more than meets the eye but regardless thanks for stopping by and sharing your opinion, it's still free to do last time I checked, and don't forget to vote on your way out, good luck
a bit more than meets the eye? yes, i am a bit more than meets the eye.
i'm a self educating asshole. i read constantly, and try to learn new things as often as i can. i try to read between the lines, but i also try not to imagine dragons between the lines....
i do my best to look at things logically, and keep emotion (especially my own fears) out of my conclusions. i make mistakes, and when i do, i try to correct them. i try to learn what i did wrong, so i can avoid doing it again.
i'm an intelligent, well read pothead. not an ignorant redneck gomer. i don't follow any parties politics, and i don't follow any organizations rules. i make my own decisions, based on my own observations, and i'm not afraid to defend them.
if that makes me some kind of government agent, assigned to police pothead websites.....then you need some medical help.
The biggest thing I worry about with Chem are they using organic semen. I don't want this genetically modified bigfoot Jizz raining down on me.

Fuck that shit. Seriously

@mr sunshine remember the time we were in Florida and that plane nailed us with a around a kilo of white powdery substance.

I know that was evaporated big foot Jizz.

Its normal for jets to do that.

There is no way that large numbers of people can keep a secret like flat Earth or spraying shit on the populace. No way. It would have been leaked by now.
a bit more than meets the eye? yes, i am a bit more than meets the eye.
i'm a self educating asshole. i read constantly, and try to learn new things as often as i can. i try to read between the lines, but i also try not to imagine dragons between the lines....
i do my best to look at things logically, and keep emotion (especially my own fears) out of my conclusions. i make mistakes, and when i do, i try to correct them. i try to learn what i did wrong, so i can avoid doing it again.
i'm an intelligent, well read pothead. not an ignorant redneck gomer. i don't follow any parties politics, and i don't follow any organizations rules. i make my own decisions, based on my own observations, and i'm not afraid to defend them.
if that makes me some kind of government agent, assigned to police pothead websites.....then you need some medical help.

Oh I think you're very intelligent, believe me ..that's why I have trouble believing you can look at certain topics objectively come up with the conclusions that you do?

Its normal for jets to do that.

There is no way that large numbers of people can keep a secret like flat Earth or spraying shit on the populace. No way. It would have been leaked by now.

..does this look normal to you?

(they're not going to be able to keep it a secret much longer friend, I suspect that's part of why they spraying)
Your denial that this is more than jet wash is at best, silly

Almost since planes were able to take to the sky they were used in geoengineering and in warfare, in World War I clouds were seeded to cause rain that would cause mud to affect battle conditions, imagine the leaps governments have made in the hundred plus years in geoengineering since then ?
There was no cloud seeding going on in WWI, as a WAR HISTORIAN I can tell you with some certainty this is true. Just because you were told something by some clown somewhere doesn't mean ur right, it means ur a fool, at best.

Show me PROOF now. Actual proof. If u don't, ur just a liar who knows nothing about which he speaks, kinda like a child. Expect attention? Expect to get TAUGHT, son. U offend my senses as an historian.
There was no cloud seeding going on in WWI, as a WAR HISTORIAN I can tell you with some certainty this is true. Just because you were told something by some clown somewhere doesn't mean ur right, it means ur a fool, at best.

Show me PROOF now. Actual proof. If u don't, ur just a liar who knows nothing about which he speaks, kinda like a child. Expect attention? Expect to get TAUGHT, son. U offend my senses as an historian.

Ya .......I'm offended to.


You tell him new member
................well, fuck, now I feel shitty. He's gonna wanna hurt me now. What a douche.

Nah ......he's just off trying to find a minuscule screenshot of proof to prove you wrong.

He didn't even try to argue the fact that chem trails are actually genetically modified Big Foot semen.

The sticky feeling after working outside.......yep you guessed it.......SEMEN.
Nah ......he's just off trying to find a minuscule screenshot of proof to prove you wrong.

He didn't even try to argue the fact that chem trails are actually genetically modified Big Foot semen.

The sticky feeling after working outside.......yep you guessed it.......SEMEN.
Hahahahaha omg lol I KNEW it seemed familiar. I wondered why I always found myself laying out sunbathing when the chemtrails came out.
Here's proof that they're not naturally occurring contrails..

(some of you might recognize this guy surely he wouldn't lie ?)
There was no cloud seeding going on in WWI, as a WAR HISTORIAN I can tell you with some certainty this is true. Just because you were told something by some clown somewhere doesn't mean ur right, it means ur a fool, at best.

Show me PROOF now. Actual proof. If u don't, ur just a liar who knows nothing about which he speaks, kinda like a child. Expect attention? Expect to get TAUGHT, son. U offend my senses as an historian.

.. it how about weather modification during the Vietnam War ?

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What ABOUT weather mod in Vietnam? U never once mentioned Vietnam you specifically mentioned the great war. Your obviously not too good at this life thing or the whole facts matter issue.

I asked for proof that there was mod happening DURING THE FIRST WORLD WAR AS U SUPPOSED and u come back with Vietnamese weather mod!?!? There's about a 60 year difference between the two and the technology is much further advanced.

In Vietnam, weather modification along with chemical weaponry, barrel modification, smart artillery, and jet technology were all DESIGNATED acts of warfare until they were either abandoned or outlawed.

U ough to have participated in Vietnam or wwi because there would be one less amateur snowflake here rambling about his wannabe knowledge, making a mockery of our history with conspiracy.

New member or not, get out my face cuz I'll destroy u in any debate anywhere. So either get some real, actual, WWI PERIOD PROOF or get out.
I'm just trying to find out what there spraying ?

I feel ridiculous debating whether they are spraying something or not, I've been watching it on the New England coast every day for over 20 years so it's pretty much a non-starter for me that there's deliberate airborne discharge. Ya'll have to carry that debate on without me, hopefully eventually someone will have some input as to what they may be doing up there, and I'd like to encourage voting..
What ABOUT weather mod in Vietnam? U never once mentioned Vietnam you specifically mentioned the great war. Your obviously not too good at this life thing or the whole facts matter issue.

I asked for proof that there was mod happening DURING THE FIRST WORLD WAR AS U SUPPOSED and u come back with Vietnamese weather mod!?!? There's about a 60 year difference between the two and the technology is much further advanced.

In Vietnam, weather modification along with chemical weaponry, barrel modification, smart artillery, and jet technology were all DESIGNATED acts of warfare until they were either abandoned or outlawed.

U ough to have participated in Vietnam or wwi because there would be one less amateur snowflake here rambling about his wannabe knowledge, making a mockery of our history with conspiracy.

New member or not, get out my face cuz I'll destroy u in any debate anywhere. So either get some real, actual, WWI PERIOD PROOF or get out.

Couldn't find it guess you're right thanks for the correction. (Guess I'll go in My Cry closet for my allotted 10 minutes) I guess I was 40 years too early but let's take it from there shall we, you just proved nothing except I was a few decades too early

You're also taking this threat off topic, and I'm going to bring it back to what they're spraying and why ?