House Intelligence Committee rules that there was NO COLLUSION between the Trump Campaign and Russia

googled it, palestinian population keeps on growing


Genocide - the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

Notice how the actual definition has no reference to population growth, only actions undertaken by the aggressor.

i.e. ; Genocide against the Jews was not determined by how many killed, but simply through the action of the Nazis killing them. ( as a group)
Wait. I thought he was a Nazi? Make up your mind. He can’t be both.
trump is absolutely NOT a nazi... he probably started that rumor himself to downplay his jewish ancestry. trump has the most jewish cabinet and is personal friends with benjamin netanyahu.. he made a commercial shilling for benjamin nuttinbutajoos presidential campaign in 2013. who do you think installed him? definitely wasn't the russians... it was israel
That's just categorically untrue.

How do you think they were able to print some of the emails across the front of every newspaper in the country?

The logs were there and all non personal emails were there, there was no breach.
Claiming emails are “personal” after wiping them is clearly destruction of evidence. Pretending those not wiped were the only ones not under supeona just shows a total lack of honesty.

So we've gone from "No collusion, absolutely no collusion, never any collusion, witch hunt!" to "collusion isn't illegal anyway".

Yeah it is, cuck, it's called treason, you little soy-boy bitch.
Still no evidence of collusion, nor is it illegal. No where near treason.
You don’t get to redefine words to suit your agenda.
Still no evidence of collusion.

there is a ton of evidence of collusion, which is illegal. they call it conspiracy or espionage against the united states

if trump, who is totally honest, is innocent, why doesn't he clear his name with mueller? the investigation would be over immediately