Jordan Peterson

It seems like a reasonable response, no?

What did he say when asked about hierarchy? "I didn't say it was good"....

It's almost like he mentions that things exist, but doesn't necessarily support them.

It seems like a reasonable response, no?

What did he say when asked about hierarchy? "I didn't say it was good"....

It's almost like he mentions that things exist, but doesn't necessarily support them.


he makes videos outright stating that we need to "defend western civilization" from "cultural marxism", which is a conspiracy theory that posits that jews are agitating black people, immigrants, homosexuals and others to destroy society

that's the same theory that david duke (KKK leader) and phillipe rushton (neo-nazi eugenicist) promote.
any of you guys on board with peterson's idea of "enforced monogamy" so that pathetic unfuckable whites stop shooting up schools and plowing down people with vans?
I don't know, post the video so I can hear his comments in context and I'll let you know how I feel about it.