Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

The Good , the Bad and the Ugly

The Good. Got my card today. 86 days today. Obviously I am very relieved to finally have the card. I obsessed way too much over this. It was a hard 86 days for me and I wish I had spent less time thinking about it and worrying about it. But it sure feels good to know that I am legally able to purchase high quality cannabis in dozens of strains and varieties. It doesn't seem like Illinois. I'm glad I can rely on high quality cultivation.

The Bad: I waited until after sometime after day 60 to call to check on my application because I didn't want to be part of the problem, tying up the lines and all. However, I am so glad that I called. I had went through an all in one place and IDPH said that the way they received my application was completely messed up. My package was a combination of 3 different patients forms. Another patients doctors recommendation was in my package along with an entirely different person's military discharge papers. In addition, the package as received by the state also did not contain my fingerprint consent form The nice man at IDPH told me that I should complain. He told me when I called that my application would have already been approved but now this was going to delay things by a few weeks. Fortunately, they found my doctor's forms and my military papers in another persons application and they were able to put together my application except for my fingerprint form.

The Ugly: When you fill out the application, you are able to choose your dispensary. Fortunately for me there is a dispensary less than 5 minutes from my house. Unfortunately for me, the place I was signing up through did NOT NOT NOT want me to choose the convenient dispensary. I explained that it was so convenient. They wouldn't take no for an answer. I was going to just absolutely insist but I realized that they wanted that other dispensary so bad that if I made a stink that they might delay my application or put it on the bottom of the pile to send out or in some way delay things. It turned out that that was going to happen anyway...but I didn't know that at the time. When I got my card today I had to call IDPH to find out where I was placed The dispensary chosen for me was about an hour from my house. I went to the dispensary anyway - but obviously I'm going to immediately change to the dispensary of my own choosing

The Lessons: I saw a post today on line that said that the IDPH is saying that almost 90% of the packages that they receive have some sort of error. That percentage might sound a tad high, but it could be close to accurate. I can tell you that when I had my problems and talked with IDPH, they told me that this is not uncommon for some of the one stop shops to have problems with their applications.

I would highly recommend that you go ahead and call IDPH to ensure they have received all of the required documents. In my case, by calling I found out there was a problem with my file and was able to get working to correct the situation. By talking with the IDPH representative, he also began to work on my file to try to locate my missing documents.

So don't hesitate just to make sure they received your package. You might find out that a form is missing and it might shave some time off an already long wait.

I obviously also screwed up by not insisting for the dispensary that I knew I wanted.
If I had to do it all over again, I would probably just do it all on my own. At least then I would have known that my package was complete.

Thanks for reading this long post. The time for you still waiting for your cards will pass quickly. Until then, relax and smile. Help is on the way!!
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The Good , the Bad and the Ugly

The Good. Got my card today. 86 days today. Obviously I am very relieved to finally have the card. I obsessed way too much over this. It was a hard 86 days for me and I wish I had spent less time thinking about it and worrying about it. But it sure feels good to know that I am legally able to purchase high quality cannabis in dozens of strains and varieties. It doesn't seem like Illinois. I'm glad I can rely on high quality cultivation.

The Bad: I waited until after sometime after day 60 to call to check on my application because I didn't want to be part of the problem, tying up the lines and all. However, I am so glad that I called. I had went through an all in one place and IDPH said that the way they received my application was completely messed up. My package was a combination of 3 different patients forms. Another patients doctors recommendation was in my package along with an entirely different person's military discharge papers. In addition, the package as received by the state also did not contain my fingerprint consent form The nice man at IDPH told me that I should complain. He told me when I called that my application would have already been approved but now this was going to delay things by a few weeks. Fortunately, they found my doctor's forms and my military papers in another persons application and they were able to put together my application except for my fingerprint form.

The Ugly: When you fill out the application, you are able to choose your dispensary. Fortunately for me there is a dispensary less than 5 minutes from my house. Unfortunately for me, the place I was signing up through did NOT NOT NOT want me to choose the convenient dispensary. I explained that it was so convenient. They wouldn't take no for an answer. I was going to just absolutely insist but I realized that they wanted that other dispensary so bad that if I made a stink that they might delay my application or put it on the bottom of the pile to send out or in some way delay things. It turned out that that was going to happen anyway...but I didn't know that at the time. When I got my card today I had to call IDPH to find out where I was placed The dispensary chosen for me was about an hour from my house. I went to the dispensary anyway - but obviously I'm going to immediately change to the dispensary of my own choosing

The Lessons: I saw a post today on line that said that the IDPH is saying that almost 90% of the packages that they receive have some sort of error. That percentage might sound a tad high, but it could be close to accurate. I can tell you that when I had my problems and talked with IDPH, they told me that this is not uncommon for some of the one stop shops to have problems with their applications.

I would highly recommend that you go ahead and call IDPH to ensure they have received all of the required documents. In my case, by calling I found out there was a problem with my file and was able to get working to correct the situation. By talking with the IDPH representative, he also began to work on my file to try to locate my missing documents.

So don't hesitate just to make sure they received your package. You might find out that a form is missing and it might shave some time off an already long wait.

I obviously also screwed up by not insisting for the dispensary that I knew I wanted.
If I had to do it all over again, I would probably just do it all on my own. At least then I would have known that my package was complete.

Thanks for reading this long post. The time for you still waiting for your cards will pass quickly. Until then, relax and smile. Help is on the way!!
Wow, what a mess. Glad you got it all straightened out. For anyone else I would highly recommend doing it online yourself. This is what I did and had no issues. Amazingly, the online application is very straightforward and easy to attach the files. The only tricky part was getting the photo the required size but I found a website that you upload the photo to and resize to the required size. I think it was called picresize
The Good , the Bad and the Ugly

The Good. Got my card today. 86 days today. Obviously I am very relieved to finally have the card. I obsessed way too much over this. It was a hard 86 days for me and I wish I had spent less time thinking about it and worrying about it. But it sure feels good to know that I am legally able to purchase high quality cannabis in dozens of strains and varieties. It doesn't seem like Illinois. I'm glad I can rely on high quality cultivation.

The Bad: I waited until after sometime after day 60 to call to check on my application because I didn't want to be part of the problem, tying up the lines and all. However, I am so glad that I called. I had went through an all in one place and IDPH said that the way they received my application was completely messed up. My package was a combination of 3 different patients forms. Another patients doctors recommendation was in my package along with an entirely different person's military discharge papers. In addition, the package as received by the state also did not contain my fingerprint consent form The nice man at IDPH told me that I should complain. He told me when I called that my application would have already been approved but now this was going to delay things by a few weeks. Fortunately, they found my doctor's forms and my military papers in another persons application and they were able to put together my application except for my fingerprint form.

The Ugly: When you fill out the application, you are able to choose your dispensary. Fortunately for me there is a dispensary less than 5 minutes from my house. Unfortunately for me, the place I was signing up through did NOT NOT NOT want me to choose the convenient dispensary. I explained that it was so convenient. They wouldn't take no for an answer. I was going to just absolutely insist but I realized that they wanted that other dispensary so bad that if I made a stink that they might delay my application or put it on the bottom of the pile to send out or in some way delay things. It turned out that that was going to happen anyway...but I didn't know that at the time. When I got my card today I had to call IDPH to find out where I was placed The dispensary chosen for me was about an hour from my house. I went to the dispensary anyway - but obviously I'm going to immediately change to the dispensary of my own choosing

The Lessons: I saw a post today on line that said that the IDPH is saying that almost 90% of the packages that they receive have some sort of error. That percentage might sound a tad high, but it could be close to accurate. I can tell you that when I had my problems and talked with IDPH, they told me that this is not uncommon for some of the one stop shops to have problems with their applications.

I would highly recommend that you go ahead and call IDPH to ensure they have received all of the required documents. In my case, by calling I found out there was a problem with my file and was able to get working to correct the situation. By talking with the IDPH representative, he also began to work on my file to try to locate my missing documents.

So don't hesitate just to make sure they received your package. You might find out that a form is missing and it might shave some time off an already long wait.

I obviously also screwed up by not insisting for the dispensary that I knew I wanted.
If I had to do it all over again, I would probably just do it all on my own. At least then I would have known that my package was complete.

Thanks for reading this long post. The time for you still waiting for your cards will pass quickly. Until then, relax and smile. Help is on the way!!
If you went to CannaMed OutReach they fucked up my stuff sent in 2 months later so i had to redo my prints and pay again. I feel they owe everyone they did this to a refund or we all should take them to small claims but go in together so they can never do this to anyone else. The thing is these people have cards them self so you would think they would know better. They told me not to contact them again well they are going to be reported to everyone i can speak to because i feel they should be shut done have have to give back the money they took from people i did my application back in dec and i still dont have my card all because of them my doctors stuff had been there the whole time. They even went so far as to white out dates on my application. I text the company asking them to refund my money and make things right. I told them if i do not get a reply i will take thos further and report them to authority's for misconduct they didnt properly send in paperwork and thats why people paid them they have added on month and months and they should be shut down if they cant do there job correctly.
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The problem is that the state has such restrictive laws on this, we don’t have a lot of options when applying for our cards. I went to an all-in-one place too, figuring it would be the fastest and easiest. But how many of those are there statewide? Maybe a dozen. And aside from that, maybe another dozen actual doctors who will help us out. For a state with a population over 10million, there’s should be waaaayyyy more places to help us out as patients.

Sorry for the rant...just my 2 cents on the fouled-up applications some of you have had to deal with. I’m still just sitting here waiting as it’s only Day 62, but I’m beginning to wonder if maybe I should check the status of my app just to make sure they got it all. I don’t want to add to the speed problem by hounding them, but maybe a quick email might not be a bad idea, I’m thinking.
Follow up: I called IDPH and they said my application was currently at the Secretary of State’s office being processed. Does anyone know where this would be in the overall timeframe? I thought it was the SOS that printed the cards but I simply don’t know. Anyone with any info, please post. Thanks!

(Sorry for spamming the forum with my posts today).
The I.D. cards are printed on the East Coast somewhere. So did they say everything for you has been approved?
I should’ve asked but all she said was it’s at the SOS office being processed. There was no mention of any problems with my app, tho, so if it’s being processed that’s at least encouraging. Still hoping for late this month for the card.
Follow up: I called IDPH and they said my application was currently at the Secretary of State’s office being processed. Does anyone know where this would be in the overall timeframe? I thought it was the SOS that printed the cards but I simply don’t know. Anyone with any info, please post. Thanks!

(Sorry for spamming the forum with my posts today).

Took me 10 days from finding out my application was at the SOS to receiving my card. You’re not too far off
Took me 10 days from finding out my application was at the SOS to receiving my card. You’re not too far off
That would be immensely awesome! I’ve been googling trying to find out the process of how they do things, but there’s no real info. My guess is it would never have left IDPH if the app itself wasn’t approved. They’re probably just verifying residency now. Fingers crossed.....
That would be immensely awesome! I’ve been googling trying to find out the process of how they do things, but there’s no real info. My guess is it would never have left IDPH if the app itself wasn’t approved. They’re probably just verifying residency now. Fingers crossed.....
Once it gets sent to fbi for back ground check its almost done after that it gets sent to printer so 10-14 to receive just takes time for mail but i would say you should jave it in the next 2 weeks.
When did the state receive your paperwork?
Feb 28th 2018 but did everything dec 30th 2017 so i should have had it along time ago. Idph says once it is getting processed takes about 14 days to get card. I had to redo my prints so i figure should be getting printed next week. So basically every one from feb and before should be getting cards the next two weeks.
Feb 28th 2018 but did everything dec 30th 2017 so i should have had it along time ago. Idph says once it is getting processed takes about 14 days to get card. I had to redo my prints so i figure should be getting printed next week. So basically every one from feb and before should be getting cards the next two weeks.

I am SO SORRY you've had to wait this long. Breaks my heart. I hope it arrives soon and you can find relief.
I know....just me again. My brother, who got his card last summer, said that the criminal background/FBI thing is done by the SOS. He called IDPH relentlessly for weeks and he was told that it’s usually 3-5 days at SOS and if you’re clear, they send you off to be printed. So, I’m probably looking at 10-20 days max. 20 days would make 82 total, and I’m ok with that.
Can someone please answer my question I sent in my application with everything they asked on February 18 th and I still haven't heard from them so just called the Bank to see if the check cleared they said yes it cleared on April 18th so does that mean you were approved I hope someone can answer that
Can someone please answer my question I sent in my application with everything they asked on February 18 th and I still haven't heard from them so just called the Bank to see if the check cleared they said yes it cleared on April 18th so does that mean you were approved I hope someone can answer that

You should call IDPH. People have been reporting that they receive their card approximately 10 days after the check clears.
The Good , the Bad and the Ugly

The Good. Got my card today. 86 days today. Obviously I am very relieved to finally have the card. I obsessed way too much over this. It was a hard 86 days for me and I wish I had spent less time thinking about it and worrying about it. But it sure feels good to know that I am legally able to purchase high quality cannabis in dozens of strains and varieties. It doesn't seem like Illinois. I'm glad I can rely on high quality cultivation.

The Bad: I waited until after sometime after day 60 to call to check on my application because I didn't want to be part of the problem, tying up the lines and all. However, I am so glad that I called. I had went through an all in one place and IDPH said that the way they received my application was completely messed up. My package was a combination of 3 different patients forms. Another patients doctors recommendation was in my package along with an entirely different person's military discharge papers. In addition, the package as received by the state also did not contain my fingerprint consent form The nice man at IDPH told me that I should complain. He told me when I called that my application would have already been approved but now this was going to delay things by a few weeks. Fortunately, they found my doctor's forms and my military papers in another persons application and they were able to put together my application except for my fingerprint form.

The Ugly: When you fill out the application, you are able to choose your dispensary. Fortunately for me there is a dispensary less than 5 minutes from my house. Unfortunately for me, the place I was signing up through did NOT NOT NOT want me to choose the convenient dispensary. I explained that it was so convenient. They wouldn't take no for an answer. I was going to just absolutely insist but I realized that they wanted that other dispensary so bad that if I made a stink that they might delay my application or put it on the bottom of the pile to send out or in some way delay things. It turned out that that was going to happen anyway...but I didn't know that at the time. When I got my card today I had to call IDPH to find out where I was placed The dispensary chosen for me was about an hour from my house. I went to the dispensary anyway - but obviously I'm going to immediately change to the dispensary of my own choosing

The Lessons: I saw a post today on line that said that the IDPH is saying that almost 90% of the packages that they receive have some sort of error. That percentage might sound a tad high, but it could be close to accurate. I can tell you that when I had my problems and talked with IDPH, they told me that this is not uncommon for some of the one stop shops to have problems with their applications.

I would highly recommend that you go ahead and call IDPH to ensure they have received all of the required documents. In my case, by calling I found out there was a problem with my file and was able to get working to correct the situation. By talking with the IDPH representative, he also began to work on my file to try to locate my missing documents.

So don't hesitate just to make sure they received your package. You might find out that a form is missing and it might shave some time off an already long wait.

I obviously also screwed up by not insisting for the dispensary that I knew I wanted.
If I had to do it all over again, I would probably just do it all on my own. At least then I would have known that my package was complete.

Thanks for reading this long post. The time for you still waiting for your cards will pass quickly. Until then, relax and smile. Help is on the way!!