What did you accomplish today?

when you're a teenager, you can live on hotpockets, doritos, and mt. dew....as you get older, that shit becomes more toxic...ok, it was always toxic, you lose your ability to tolerate it
Yeah, it's been 15 yrs since I've had them. Had a job as a night shift supervisor (3-11), microwave & fridge in my office, so a couple times a week I'd have 2 or 3 for chow. I enjoy cooking but hated making a good meal only to pack it up, frig it for 6-7 hr before eating it. Kinda like direct making leftovers. Other days I'd go to local eateries
i have never understood eating pork and beans for breakfast. i don't even like them in the evening, when i'm half drunk, i sure as shit don't want them for breakfast

Beans, no, fried tomatoes, yes. And where's the liver?

And what's the deal with that pussy-assed so-called hot sauce he has there, that stuff's only good as a mixer for vodka.

Been a productive day so far, my health insurance cocked up my disability payment and it only took one threat of getting a lawyer involved to get them to sort out their mistake in under 5 minutes even though I was as high as a kite on painkillers, valium and duloxetine.

Then I had the joys of some bloke with an Indian accent calling me up and telling me he was from Microsoft and there was something wrong with my Windows install, which is no mean feat when I run Linux. The torrent of profanities when I asked him why the caller ID told me his smelly dalit arse was in Islamabad was a joy to behold, he didn't seem to like that for some reason.

Fun times....
My wife had one years ago & it was a pretty sporty little manual thing.
Broke the timing belt & bent a valve - I pulled the head & straightened the valve stem with a ball peen & then lapped that baby back in with a 1/2" drill & lapping compound.
Sold the car in Key West to some Snow Birds for 150% of what we paid for it.
And she ran like a freakin top. :wink:
Did you just call a pinto sporty?

This one is for Inda.