Aussie Growers Thread

I saw I lil of something once it was a nz biker gang fuck rhay lookedmlike legot jard cunts li, e legit u could see it in tjere eyes thay had tje hardest stare iv ever seen
That’s your opinion it doesn’t change the fact that under our legal system you are innocent until proven guilty and punishing a group of people because of crimes that are only alleged to have taken place is illegal.
Legally they aren’t beyond comparison sorry and that’s what this is about,morals and laws are 2 very different things
Hence why I wrote “forget government for a moment”..
Idk I dont know duck all if tjay arw legit gang doing ar, s dealing n all the gang stuff if tjere only fuking witj othwr gangs tjan how do tje commen peop, e come into it
A lot of the weapons that are being traded were bought legally before John Howard decided to take our guns from us which wasn’t that long ago.
You don’t have to agree with the comment it doesn’t change the fact that as people that all break the law it’s very hypocritical when we start labelling others as criminals
Tbh I don’t have an opinion on the whole bikie law thing. I just didn’t agree with the glasshouses. Yep we’d all get done if caught whether it’s weed or extortion. I just didn’t like being put in the same catergory.
I’d bet the Catholic Church has more convicted pedo’s than all 1% clubs put together and have been proven to have helped cover up the crimes of its members. I’d put them at the top of my list for criminal organisations
Now this I can and will agree with 100%
Any 1%er i no would have beat the fuck out of the guy it aint tolerated in any club. Dont no how its run down here but back home FUCK no, that shit would not fly.
a true 1% member yes..but now we have bikies making side gangs to do the dirty work for them..lebs,wogs etc etc and none of them fucks ride..just walk around 5 or 6 strong at a time with their poofta bum bags and nikes n gold chains...
some of my respected mates are affiliated and the new laws make me guilty by so called association.
Nail bikes who do the wrong thing the SAME as you would nail a brick laberer dealing meth or knocking someone off.
Its this that I agree with ...theres some sick cunts worse than bikies around so they should be treated the same.
problem is cops see dirty money to .....