Monsanto and "Seed to Sale"... Discuss -OR- protect your genetics!


Well-Known Member
I'll be posting a video sometime later in the morning. Get the tinfoil hat jokes ready folks... But I do have a very Suspicious Mind about the whole business regardless if the video is a bunch of crap... It basically says when the sales flip from the way it is now to the new seed to sale tracking model system they will be altering all meds before they hit the dispensary shelves after which time they will work seemingly normally but will then leave you open to DARPA and elf and MK Ultra mind control type crap
Let's bring this up to a slightly more credible level...


Know all about that BS and that's why I rant about the breeders that only offer their strains in feminized versions to keep you and me from replicating those seeds without crossing with a different strain or trying to self the plants to make more feminized versions of the same.

Hard to do without a genetically different female as doing it with a clone of the same plant ends up with mongoloid children. Same reason you shouldn't make babies with your sister.

Fem plants are for the lazy growers that don't want to take the time to sex their plants and breed the best of them to maintain a strain in it's purity.

Different for humans. Go ahead and make babies with a different raced person so in 200 years we're all little brown babies and can drop this racial BS. Now we just have to figure out a way to get all the "gods" out of the equation and we may eventually have world peace!

Just proves that you're not "sheeple". View attachment 4128743

I also don't buy seeds, so I'm pretty safe on that front as well.

I have a buddy who's wife is a big conspiracy theory nut. I will have to tell her about this one when I see them again. They don't smoke, but they may start when they find out it is all that stands between them and a life as a sex slave to POTUS.
I also don't buy seeds, so I'm pretty safe on that front as well.

I have a buddy who's wife is a big conspiracy theory nut. I will have to tell her about this one when I see them again. They don't smoke, but they may start when they find out it is all that stands between them and a life as a sex slave to POTUS.

AmeriKan eh. My condolences. ;)

Canukistanian myself. canadian.gif

So many of those theories are proving to be true. I'm not talking about Area 51 and 9/11 crap but things like collusion between Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Food etc to start us from cradle to grave to become addicted to unhealthy lifestyles that lead to constant health issues that cannot be cured but "managed" until our resources are depleted. Then we're left to our own devices until Big Death sucks the last they can get from our descendants to dispose of our toxic remains.

Your average sheeple would label me a conspiracy theorist to the nth degree and I suppose in some ways I am. I warned people that voting for Trudeau because he promised legal pot was going to really screw things up and voila! New and much more punitive laws will come into force the second re-legalization is writ in stone. Not re-legalization but Prohibition 2.0 and it will be way worse than what we have now.

The gov't has to dance to their corporate masters and the new puppeteers are ex-government top dogs that now own or manage almost all of the legal providers of "legal" pot here in Canukistan.

Follow the money.

AmeriKan eh. My condolences. ;)

Canukistanian myself. View attachment 4128782

So many of those theories are proving to be true. I'm not talking about Area 51 and 9/11 crap but things like collusion between Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Food etc to start us from cradle to grave to become addicted to unhealthy lifestyles that lead to constant health issues that cannot be cured but "managed" until our resources are depleted. Then we're left to our own devices until Big Death sucks the last they can get from our descendants to dispose of our toxic remains.

Your average sheeple would label me a conspiracy theorist to the nth degree and I suppose in some ways I am. I warned people that voting for Trudeau because he promised legal pot was going to really screw things up and voila! New and much more punitive laws will come into force the second re-legalization is writ in stone. Not re-legalization but Prohibition 2.0 and it will be way worse than what we have now.

The gov't has to dance to their corporate masters and the new puppeteers are ex-government top dogs that now own or manage almost all of the legal providers of "legal" pot here in Canukistan.

Follow the money.


Also, 100% agreed. Which is why I really think the title should JUST have read "Guard your genetics!"...No matter what "Theory" turns out to be true OR Bunk...
Know all about that BS and that's why I rant about the breeders that only offer their strains in feminized versions to keep you and me from replicating those seeds without crossing with a different strain or trying to self the plants to make more feminized versions of the same. Hard to do without a genetically different female as doing it with a clone of the same plant ends up with mongoloid children. Same reason you shouldn't make babies with your sister.
Where do you come up with this nonsense? It is all so wrong but you speak with such confidence that some people might mistake you for someone who knows what they are talking about.

Breeders make fem seeds because they want to and especially because growers want them. For growers it's ideal, you get all females. For breeders it's ideal because you can directly observe the female flower traits carried by both parents, what growers are actually interested in, and you can breed with the most popular genotypes. This greatly increases the power of your selection!

With regs, figuring out what female flower traits the male is carrying is so much work that basically no breeders do it, they just flower out some males and bless one, then if the progeny has no obvious intersex problems they sell the seeds (a.k.a. CHUCKING). You almost never hear of a breeder hitting the same female with several males and picking the male based on how the progeny turn out, that takes too much time and space. The main exception being people testing for CBD. ll take a fem made from two elite genotypes over a regular chuck with one elite geno and a random male, which is basically every reg seed available, any day of the week. In other words, fem seeds have better genetics than most reg seeds.

Nothing stops you from making more seeds from a fem pack like you could if they were regs. You just reverse one genotype and pollinate another. Each fem seed is a different genotype, just like regs, even if there is only a single parent because selfed beans are not clones. Crossing with a different strain or selfing is not required to make F2s from a fem pack. Again, you should probably learn a little bit about how this stuff works before you publicly rant about it.

Making comparisons of selfing plants to inbreeding humans is just asinine. You might get a lot of recessive traits popping up because each heterozygous gene has a 25% chance of the recessive allele being homozygous in each seed, same for plants and mammals. It depends on how stable the parent genetics are, and nobody has stable Cannabis genetics since everyone is chucking polyhybrids. In any event, you should think carefully about the ethics of culling plants with undesirable traits vs. culling human children with undesirable traits before making this comparison. Hint: there is nothing wrong with growing out 100 children and only keeping the best looking one to sell into sex slavery if you aren't working with human children.

The reality is so called "feminized" seeds are identical to the half of the seeds in a regular pack that produce females. There is no difference between a "feminized" seed and a "regular" seed carrying a female embryo. They are exactly the same and no test of a seed could be imagined that would distinguish between them. Meiosis proceeds normally, except you get four X pollen grains because you start with XX instead of getting two X and two Y grains because you started with XY. Just like how you always get four X ova in the female. The females from fem packs are the same as females from reg packs, neither have the male Y chromosome. They both get the exact same diversity of genetics.

It is people like you who are ruining Cannabis! Your myths have led to the pervasive chucking of randomly selected males!!
Let's bring this up to a slightly more credible level...


... Man, that's a lot of info to absorb, as I started surfing off of the article when completed. I really like the OCP Lab collective leading the charge like that. I am also smart enough to know... that I don't know JACK about genetic sequencing lab tech jargon, lol. But as for the Q they posed in the article: "The public domain, a safe haven?" Myself, being the consummate Linux "freak", would have to say the collective public is a mighty powerful force toward whatever cause they put their minds to. The WWW is approx. 80% Linux servers, NOT, well, you know... Just my view on that aspect. I believe it to be a low-ball estimate, as well...
I know they want to come up with a way to what they call tag legal cannabis so they can tell if it came from a legal grow or black market. They usually do that with a radioactive substance.