" Doctors' group wants to scrap Canada's medical cannabis program


Well-Known Member
@the dozens of yous that don’t like listening. The medical program coming to an end, max 4years from Allard/grow permits. Nobody is going to fund this fight. Once legalization comes in and more and more lobbying to end the medical program happens it will be deemed no medical value. You will not have your current sized garden,storage...legally. Our own lawyers have said it, not sure why we aren’t believing the people who got us our grow permits? This whole thing is being played like a fiddle.

As a patient il do what I want.

Il even go one further. This is a way to eliminate competition for the end user. Grow permits done with and a mass of dispensary busts. This will keep cannabis propped up to the prohibition days of 10$ a gram and keep there investment buddy’s and campaign contributors happpy.
I feel medical will grow as they discover more helpful uses for cannabis in the way of medication and treatments.
The U.S. is just ramping up on medical in slow states and that will be good for us as well. Because they don't seem to overwhelmingly be jumping into the full legalization scheme ,that will help the med programs here and there.
I personally believe there will still be medical in 10 years.
They''ll never be able to get rid of medical..lol
as hard as they will try :lol:
and they will try and try and try

but sadly they'll just waste our tax money while they do...


this info and write up is from people who have not been connected to this industry and

or do they know what transpired in the passed 15 years.
:cool: BUTT it will be awesome shutting them RIGHT DOWN and show they to be the complete fools they be!

Time to FUCK ............... THEM UP! ;)

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I agree with Hippy. Once the morons on the Hill realize and accept the far-reaching medical benefits of MJ more R&D will result in a growing market as an alternative to the chemical poisons being Rx now. I think there will still be a good strong market for BM home-grows to satisfy the growing recreational market. I seriously doubt LPs will be allowed to produce the highest quality budd. MJ rec users are far more educated than back in the 60s-70s when most of us thought there was only Cuban or Jamacian weed and are going to continue to search out the best possible product. That aint gonna be at a legal disp. IMHO. But wtf i know:bigjoint:
lol wait until we start IMPORTING WEED from Africa and Jamaica and Columbia..:-P
why wouldnt we? They grow better dope than we do due to their climate.
:lol: We're a pipe dream by comparison ;)
lol wait until we start IMPORTING WEED from Africa and Jamaica and Columbia..:-P
why wouldnt we? They grow better dope than we do due to their climate.
:lol: We're a pipe dream by comparison ;)

Yup but how many friggin chemicals do they use ? Maybe even human sewage for ferts ?
bongsmilie yo dood thats sum good shit man. A hole new meaning to the phrase eh ?
lol wait until we start IMPORTING WEED from Africa and Jamaica and Columbia..:-P
why wouldnt we? They grow better dope than we do due to their climate.
:lol: We're a pipe dream by comparison ;)

if you are into sativa...I lean indica...no need to clean the house...just need that couch-lock for my back...to each their own...cheers gb ears...lol

The medical system is not going to end, imo. The recreational legislation does not allow for the guarantees patients have won in court and government does not have the will, support or resources to try and reverse, in some cases, decades old SCoC rulings. I know some argue that the Allard trial was about access and not affordability, but I disagree.
If there was an intent to end the medical system, the time to announce it was during the task force recommendations, yet they specifically said the opposite. The doctors do not dictate policy, and those who continue to deny the medical benefits of cannabis are becoming the minority. Major health insurance providers have begun including cannabis as an insured medication.
Doctors have not demanded opiates be banned or removed from the pharmaceutical catalogue despite an epidemic of addiction and death, yet they worry about cannabis? I guess the LP's aren't paying a big enough kick-back....
There's two reason why medical won't end.

First, LP depends on it to export their product internationally, so if Canada scrap medical program how are the LP supposed to promote the benefit of medical mj in anti weed market.

Secondly, some provinces and municipality might ban recreational home growing which would step over patients right to acces their medecine...
There's two reason why medical won't end.

First, LP depends on it to export their product internationally, so if Canada scrap medical program how are the LP supposed to promote the benefit of medical mj in anti weed market.

Secondly, some provinces and municipality might ban recreational home growing which would step over patients right to acces their medecine...
Mixing rec and medical is bad...if you're a patient you have a right to access...it does not have to be affordable...and if rec growing is banned, it won't affect med patients who still have a right to grow...there's where the problem lies...how many new patients since this whole shit show started?....hmmmm....
Who’s funding the 4yr constitutional battle? Hands? Anyone? Not the lawyers that won our garden cause the ones who got us our permits are telling us the med program is coming to an end. You have HC saying no medical value. Associations country wide from landlords to safety authorities, police forces all wanting to prevent home growing.

So when it’s legalized and impairment laws and home growing laws and bylaws, insurance companies aswell as mortgage companies enforcing there own bylaws and dumb fucking HC is sitting there “hmmm I can fix these complaints and help my investment portfolio” HC will do what they want and deem no medicinal value...access granted it’s legalized. Another damn thing, we didn’t win a “right to grow” we won a “right to access” so they copied and pasted some sections from MMAR b1/b2 forms and merged it with acmpr application. When we won access it’s up to them on how they introduce that, not specifically a garden. When it’s on every corner and legalization is riddled with political money, they won’t hesitate to help them. Same old same old with HC, we have gotten nothing from them. It’s only been headaches. Might be a couple years but I trust what our lawyers have said is true. I kinda just reiterated what they said.
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