How much nutrients should i use for a 1gal? im using (FoxFarm)

Also, what soil?
How long has it been in said soil?
What stage of development is the plant?

What is your water quality?
What else do you plan to feed?

Info like that will help people
Also, what soil?
How long has it been in said soil?
What stage of development is the plant?

What is your water quality?
What else do you plan to feed?

Info like that will help people

I was enjoying a few fries before my hamburger above Char......OP owes you one ......or 7

K so let's just put everything else aside and say it's time for some Grow big.

Are you asking how much to mix in a gallon of water?

Or how much for a plant in a 1 gallon pot?

I would start my feedings at 1/4 strength of recommended dose for general feedings on the bottle. I assume your using the Big Bloom as well. Right?
badda boom! Toche. I merely suggested this not lead to another public "take me by the hand" type thread. Because that's just what some got sucked into.

To the op...what don't you understand after having done research like you said you did ?
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it didn't take me long to figure out that nute companies want you to use as much of their product as possible. i started cutting what they said in the instructions by half to begin with, and working up from there, before i ever read a damn thing on a website. and i'm not the reincarnation of albert einstein. if i can figure it out, you should be able to. if you aren't as smart as my dumb ass, buy your weed