Thanks for the post. Guess we heal and move on.

I am already taking a lower dose and less often. Trying to transfer to just Tylenol. But I sure still need the oxy for pain.

I don’t like the effects of opioids and have tried heroin a few times long ago with no problem.

I did like coke way too much but stopped that cold turkey over 20 years ago.

Warning is appreciated. :-)

One thing I wish I did differently is , start physical therapy sooner and stay in longer .
I was climbing mtns n riding a 60hp 2 stroke dirt bike 6 months after the leg rebuild tho. But I was hurting, but had a goal.
Oxy is the only thing that will take the pain away for me ,
When I woke up , I ask for pain meds , they gave me a perk I laughed , said what I got a headache? I need OXY!
I haven’t touched coke in a really long time, I wouldn’t call anything around here coke tho. I love to get covered in blood n hang out with grizzlies but I’m scared of needles . Lol
I makes pills and muscle rubs with cannaoil & it helps
I haven’t ate a pharmaceutical in over 2 years
I can give you recipes etc if ya like .
One thing I wish I did differently is , start physical therapy sooner and stay in longer .
I was climbing mtns n riding a 60hp 2 stroke dirt bike 6 months after the leg rebuild tho. But I was hurting, but had a goal.
Oxy is the only thing that will take the pain away for me ,
When I woke up , I ask for pain meds , they gave me a perk I laughed , said what I got a headache? I need OXY!
I haven’t touched coke in a really long time, I wouldn’t call anything around here coke tho. I love to get covered in blood n hang out with grizzlies but I’m scared of needles . Lol
I makes pills and muscle rubs with cannaoil & it helps
I haven’t ate a pharmaceutical in over 2 years
I can give you recipes etc if ya like .

Thanks man. We make coconut oil for edibles and I have jars of dry keif so yes please if you have time to pm me some recipes.

And I’m only on oxy codone. Perc and Norco. And yeah. It’s pretty weak. I’m surprised every time that these crappy pills are a drug epidemic.
Thanks man. We make coconut oil for edibles and I have jars of dry keif so yes please if you have time to pm me some recipes.

And I’m only on oxy codone. Perc and Norco. And yeah. It’s pretty weak. I’m surprised every time that these crappy pills are a drug epidemic.
The more I think about it , the more I realize that this would be so much worse for you , I couldn’t walk for 6 weeks but , I didn’t have to worry about the bills and hospital expenses etc
I’ve must have had hundreds of thousands done to me over the years.
The more I think about it , the more I realize that this would be so much worse for you , I couldn’t walk for 6 weeks but , I didn’t have to worry about the bills and hospital expenses etc
I’ve must have had hundreds of thousands done to me over the years.

I have insurance. And my personal income is from flower donations. I should be good to ride and paddle in 2-3 months supposedly. Garden is even at full perpetual blast. Mrs. MMG knows plants now. She is very helpful.
I don’t remember what the deal was with my last MRI
The last one was to look into my leg n knee, I also have a metal arm, I don’t member if i it was full body or just my lower half ,
I was drugged up pretty good when this was all happening

I dated this woman in Colorado that was trampled by her own spooked horse. Her chest was crushed and completely rebuilt out of metal. She carried an x ray that made her look like an artificial life form with a metallic rib cage.

Couldn’t tell she had a pretty face and long brown hair. :-) and the horse spared her head luckily.
The more I think about it , the more I realize that this would be so much worse for you , I couldn’t walk for 6 weeks but , I didn’t have to worry about the bills and hospital expenses etc
I’ve must have had hundreds of thousands done to me over the years.

We call our oldest our Million dollar kid.
He flipped a car with T tops & was drug on his head among other things\ - injuries were beyond comprehension.
At first the Dr's said he was dead - then that he wouldn't make it - then he wouldn't be anyone we recognized if he woke up.

Believe or not it was on 4-20 years ago & we count it as his second birthday.

Miracles can happen & it did for us.
Thanks for asking. :-)

Staples came out yesterday. incisuon healing faster than expected however I did not know the doctor had to sever a pinched nerve he saw when he was inside and it will slowly grow back. So movement in a few directions Is much harder than others.

But it is obviously repaired and healing.
How bout some Kratom? I have a literal bucket full. Feels just like morphine or hydros