Best Way To Quick Dry Nugs?


Active Member
I have some of the smaller nugs I dont want to hang and am wondering what the best way is. Thanks to anyone who can help. Please dont say microwave by the way I dont really want to do that.
steam dry in the microwave...its the best tasting method

Chop yur fresh buds up in small chunks

Get yourself a margirine container or something eqivlent

Put a sheet of paper towl in the bowl and put yur weed in it

Grab another sheet of paper towl and wet it...put it on top of the bowl with yur weed

Use level 3 / 10 setting on yur nuker...and run it for 35 secs ....... take out yur buds and let em dry for a min or two...then repeat till dry

If the paper towl in the bowl gets moist , and it willl.....change it to a dry one...but keep the top sheet wet

this will take you about 10 mins or more maybe..depending on how wet or dense yur nugs are

Throw that bitch in a microwave. 15 seconds and you're golden. It will taste like crap, and destroy your throat and lungs, but's quick.
I put them under a small cfl around and inch or 2 away and in a couple hours it is ready.
Belated bump...this thread came in at the # 2 spot as a google search for best....I think some rip off sobriety product stole the # 1 spot. Crack pipe and a blow torch works every time.
Its never ever a good idea
That said the microwave in short bursts (youll see it start to steam) if you need it fast

Food dehydrator is the next step if you put it in the night before.

All taste yuck though .....although thats how i know i did a bang up job is when the quick dry still tastes decent haha
For testers? Grind the buds and set the mush out on paper til its ready to be ground again. Repeat til it's dry and ground enough. You won't get any monoterps but it should taste like waterhash at least (if you aren't a fucking retarded chemical grower)
All quick dried taste like shit compared to real dried bud

But you do what you gota do sometimes

Who the hell "needs" to test their weed by smoking it haha and for what reason
ISTR something somewhere about drying in paper bags, the type you get in the stores for fruit/veg/etc, the ones that are not plastic on the inside, and they say that speeds things up.

That had me thinking about a paper coffee filter inside such a bag because the filter would pull the moisture out pretty damn quick.

Not saying it's a good idea, or that it would work, was just a thought.
For testers? Grind the buds and set the mush out on paper til its ready to be ground again. Repeat til it's dry and ground enough. You won't get any monoterps but it should taste like waterhash at least (if you aren't a fucking retarded chemical grower)
Monoterpene's are chemicals. Maybe thats why your buds taste like plastic. It's Trichometry101.
Best way to quick dry:
Get a shallow corrugated cardboard box. Trim the leaf and cut the bud off leaving barely a stem. Line the box with finely shredded newspaper and crumple it up so there's lots of air in between. Place the buds on top so they are supported by the shredded paper. Place the box on something that gives mild heat like an old tv console...I use an Xbox. Put a small fan blowing across the bud. Running a dehumidifier nearby helps or you can even put the box on top of it if you weight it down so it won't spill. Takes a couple days to dry out depending upon how wet the material is.... Tastes much better than nuking it. Smaller the bud the faster it dries. Another way is to use a vaporizer if you have one. I can snip off wet bud and put in my vape immediately. It takes awhile to heat up but works great once it does.
Another way is to use a vaporizer if you have one. I can snip off wet bud and put in my vape immediately. It takes awhile to heat up but works great once it does.

That's another method I saw on another forum, take the fresh bud, cut it up and stick it in the vape for a minute or so at, surprise surprise, 420° then roll it up and smoke it.
Easy method , go smoke something else ....

Quick drying is just a sad , sad , sad way to get a shred of buzz .......
It reminds me of those pathetic smokers that rifle thru an ashtray for cigarette " roaches " because they didn't want to spend money or they were too fucked to drive.

Bobby was a sad , sad man that I knew .......


( I threw your ass under the bus cuz you took my girl a few years back ....
So fuck you Bobby )