So who is next on the list?

What do you mean "went after"?

No one is promised a youtube career. CustomGrow420 is the best ya know, he earned that shit. It keeps coming up in suggestions, must be top content.

If they are shutting channels down, what for?
What do you mean "went after"?

No one is promised a youtube career. CustomGrow420 is the best ya know, he earned that shit. It keeps coming up in suggestions, must be top content.

If they are shutting channels down, what for?

Fake news. I tell ya its fake news. Nasty Hilerie is behind the whole thing. More illegal stuff by criminal Hillerie. Fake news. Im telling you folks. Fake news.:dunce:
What do you mean "went after"?

No one is promised a youtube career. CustomGrow420 is the best ya know, he earned that shit. It keeps coming up in suggestions, must be top content.

If they are shutting channels down, what for?
It has NOTHING to do with 'quality' of the content. They are going after weed channels because of legality. They are covering their proverbial asses. Wouldn't want to get penalized/fined for allowing their service to promote illegal activities or open themselves up to lawsuits from people who run afoul of the police and then want to blame it on the videos they saw on YT.
YouTube went after "alt-right" channels, then gun channels, then "fake news" channels, then "racist" channels, and now it's weed channels.

Time for them to go the way of MySpace.
why are you mad that they went after the gun & nazi channels though
Ultimately YT is a private company. They can choose to allow or restrict any content they want to. Best way to show your displeasure with their decision is to stop watching.
This is disingenuous. Tell us what alternatives there are?

YouTube is an effective Monopoly and should therefore be regulated like a public utility.