whats your favorite game while stoned?

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That does take me back,
I use to live to smoke and play pacman, gorf, asteroids, pheonix and all the rest
The playability of those games was great. Then came good graphics and no-one made great playing games for a while, ie dragon slayer.
It just had to look good.

Now the games are a good combo but
It takes an hour to load the game
A lifetime to build the player then
2 months to learn the controls.
And don't get me started on all the cut scenes.

By the time you get started its already time to put it away.

What the fuck is wrong with people

Oops time to download updates
That does take me back,
I use to live to smoke and play pacman, gorf, asteroids, pheonix and all the rest
The playability of those games was great. Then came good graphics and no-one made great playing games for a while, ie dragon slayer.
It just had to look good.

Now the games are a good combo but
It takes an hour to load the game
A lifetime to build the player then
2 months to learn the controls.
And don't get me started on all the cut scenes.

By the time you get started its already time to put it away.

What the fuck is wrong with people

Oops time to download updates
My only issue with new games compared to old.... you have to pay to unlock new modes/levels. Before you got rewarded for beating games.. not now.
I also dont mind the cut scenes and stuff if its a good story.

I do miss simple controls though. My all time favorite game is Streets of rage 2 for sega. That game was amazing lol.

I dont play too much anymore but if im smoking and playing its fortnite on ps4. Game is super addicting
I like playing either really bright colourful shit like Banjo-Kazooie or Zelda or something, or a good RPG like Elder Scrolls or Fallout. I shy away from shooing games (before anyone says 'what about fallout' I say to you, VATS. Lots and lots of VATS lol) and games that need too much coordination cause, well I'm stoned lol shit shot when I'm stoned
Oh man, Descent 1 and 2 are fantastic, not a huge fan of 3. Duke Nukem 3D. Both can be played co-op which is a lot easier when you're stoned, cause some of those players are just on another level.
I like challenging my reflexes and piloting skills. Gradius super nintendo. I break it out about once or twice a month and test myself while drunknhigh.
My only issue with new games compared to old.... you have to pay to unlock new modes/levels. Before you got rewarded for beating games.. not now.
I also dont mind the cut scenes and stuff if its a good story.

I do miss simple controls though. My all time favorite game is Streets of rage 2 for sega. That game was amazing lol.

I dont play too much anymore but if im smoking and playing its fortnite on ps4. Game is super addicting
If you didnt play Wolfenstien 2 yet do it pick the guy with the beard to survive at the beginning. only game I have ever played where the cut scenes made it worth the purchase. I hate cut scenes wont play assassins creed or tomb raider anymore. but let me tell you man this one, idk maybe it was just me but it was like everything I wanted to happen happened. should be on sale by now