Well-Known Member
I guess where I'm going wrong; I'm looking at each ingredient as something different but in reality I should be adding some of the ingredient amounts as one? Is that what your saying?
now you're getting it. you have redundant ingredients. the fishbone meal and the bone meal are, as far as NPK, one in the same... though i believe the fishbone meal is a superior product, so i would just roll with that (but you could split the total amount between the two if you wanted, yes). the azomite and basalt are basically one in the same... i prefer the basalt because of its texture (not powdered) not that they really affect NPK but i think you get what I mean.
the biolive is basically just a mix of the ingredients you already have, but with beneficials included... which isn't a bad thing. I'm trying a box out right now actually... it's like an all purpose or "stand alone" fert, but is fine in smaller amounts like 1/4-1/2c per cu.ft. as part of a recipe.