Why are blacks from the states so much different.

Perhaps a better question might be" why are some areas of the US so racist that they vote against their own self interests, and corrupt politicians who blow the dog whistle and play the race card can count on their unconditional support.

American black people have high resting heart rates and hypertension primarily attributed to the hatred the encounter, this results in a lower life expectancy. The arrest rate for cannabis and other crimes is multiple times that of whites even though usage rates and real crime rates are similar. African American students are 3 times more likely to be disciplined than whites and it goes on to every aspect of life.

It's a wonder they don't exercise their second amendment rights on whites weekly with mass shootings. It's a real credit to human forbearance and emotional control that more black folks don't "lose it", they have real grievances, the white folks are just whining and bitching in comparison.

It's amazing how many so called "christians" think they can get through the pearly gates with the baggage of a heart filled with hate. Ya might as will try to bring yer money to heaven, and the last time I checked they don't put luggage racks on hearses. Ya help folks who are kicked down, cause kick'em down is a ticket to Hell, here and thereafter, besides it's just plain wrong and ya feel it in yer heart, provided ya got one.

The price of racism is the likes of Donald Trump as POTUS, it's a high price indeed.
Perhaps a better question might be" why are some areas of the US so racist that they vote against their own self interests, and corrupt politicians who blow the dog whistle and play the race card can count on their unconditional support.

American black people have high resting heart rates and hypertension primarily attributed to the hatred the encounter, this results in a lower life expectancy. The arrest rate for cannabis and other crimes is multiple times that of whites even though usage rates and real crime rates are similar. African American students are 3 times more likely to be disciplined than whites and it goes on to every aspect of life.

It's a wonder they don't exercise their second amendment rights on whites weekly with mass shootings. It's a real credit to human forbearance and emotional control that more black folks don't "lose it", they have real grievances, the white folks are just whining and bitching in comparison.

It's amazing how many so called "christians" think they can get through the pearly gates with the baggage of a heart filled with hate. Ya might as will try to bring yer money to heaven, and the last time I checked they don't put luggage racks on hearses. Ya help folks who are kicked down, cause kick'em down is a ticket to Hell, here and thereafter, besides it's just plain wrong and ya feel it in yer heart, provided ya got one.

The price of racism is the likes of Donald Trump as POTUS, it's a high price indeed.

Hypertension and resting rates tend to be hereditary. Diabetes is also a black disease. Lactose intolerance by living amongst a culture (whites) who are big into dairy all hardwired. As I understand it Africans are not big on milk which is why genetically those here (from Africa) haven’t evolved you need more than 250 years.

White people smell like sour milk.
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Hypertension and resting rates tend to be hereditary. Diabetes is also a black disease. Lactose intolerance by living amongst a culture (whites) who are big into dairy all hardwired. As I understand it Africans are not big on milk which is why genetically those here (from Africa) haven’t evolved you need more than 250 years.

White people smell like sour milk.
I'm afraid the data is in, it's hate and nothing more for heart rates and hypertension, there are physiological differences between different peoples, but there is only one human race. Most black people who live in the states are of mixed race and more than africans are lactose intolerant, many asians are too as are other peoples.
I'm afraid the data is in, it's hate and nothing more for heart rates and hypertension, there are physiological differences between different peoples, but there is only one human race. Most black people who live in the states are of mixed race and more than africans are lactose intolerant, many asians are too as are other peoples.

Where’s the data? Might I suggest The Office of Reperations for your heart rate disability benefit?

Philadelphia, ‘78
Shut down M.O.V.E. By police state
Forty-five police storm Powellton Village
Government sanctioned rape and pillage
Friendly fire kills officer dead
The M.O.V.E. nine are framed up instead
One dead cop; One officer's gun
Unjust system is yet undone
In spite of efforts dissipated
Until the movement was incinerated

May 13, ‘85
Eleven people burned alive
They dropped the bomb after liquid was doused
To smoke out the family and burn up the house
Sights trained on exits, the police wait
A firing squad for those who fight to escape
M.O.V.E. fought against exploitation
The state's injustice and their oppression
For these crimes that the city pigs created
The Afrika's were incinerated
Sentenced to be incinerated
Sentenced to be incinerated
Hypertension and resting rates tend to be hereditary. Diabetes is also a black disease. Lactose intolerance by living amongst a culture (whites) who are big into dairy all hardwired. As I understand it Africans are not big on milk which is why genetically those here (from Africa) haven’t evolved you need more than 250 years.

White people smell like sour milk.
I appreciate you not denying that you are a racist. Make it easier to know who is what
And I appreciate your cute, almost child like, dispensation. I will admit I'm hearing an awful lot of assumptions about me without really figuring it out yet. Either way I'm pretty sure everyone sees it all is as it is. You're still no better than what you rally against.
An ignorant race baiting self loather.
Makes me feel sad and sorrowful.
And I appreciate your cute, almost child like, dispensation. I will admit I'm hearing an awful lot of assumptions about me without really figuring it out yet. Either way I'm pretty sure everyone sees it all is as it is. You're still no better than what you rally against.
An ignorant race baiting self loather.
Makes me feel sad and sorrowful.
You never denied being a racist, only that you are tired of people calling you a racist. I suggest stop being or saying racist shit
All of you are racist! Americans are racist! and by the way, you can't be a citizen of Liberia if you aren't black. That's not racist tho.

This is racist. They are the children of people stolen from Africa, and they’re forced to live in a “free country” under constant oppression and giving African Americans a status below that of a white man, sometimes an animal is treated better.
I agree its racist... Meh kinda
More like we don't like you Cause your not from my part of town type deal
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You never denied being a racist, only that you are tired of people calling you a racist. I suggest stop being or saying racist shit
Your reading comprehension is the issue then? Thanks for putting words in my mouth. I suppose it is just easier to live in your own fatastic version of reality. Enjoy that.
Hypertension and resting rates tend to be hereditary. Diabetes is also a black disease. Lactose intolerance by living amongst a culture (whites) who are big into dairy all hardwired. As I understand it Africans are not big on milk which is why genetically those here (from Africa) haven’t evolved you need more than 250 years.

White people smell like sour milk.

Wtf is this shit?

Diabetes is a black disease?

Diabetes for the vast majority of the population is a FAT disease, it has nothing to do with melanin levels and all to do with lipid levels.

The other more rare Type 1 (10% of sufferers) is genetic and fairly equally distributed across all races.

Black people "haven't evolved" since they left Africa because they don't drink milk?

I'm sure you can cite all this dog-shit, right?
Holy fuck what a train wreck. In the end i think we're all just people. Human beans-- more or less and when we get planted we all turn to dust and dirt no matter what our skin color.
would you say its racist that Liberia literally will not let any other race become citizen besides black?
Monrovia Liberia was founded in 1822 for free slaves, The Liberian constitution mandated that all citizens be of African decent. I'm sure this was due to the past treatments by whites...I mean these were free slaves, so who would want to repeat history, BUT the new President Weah feels times have changed and wants to do away with the black requirement. Big difference still with the treatment of those not black in Liberia. No reported hangings of whites due to being white.