Can I Re-Veg after its flowering?


Active Member
Hi People,

So I finally transplanted my plant into a 2 gallon pot. I did it carefull so no roots were damaged. I also got better soil. Fox Farm. Before I transplanted I have had her on a 12/12 cylce for about 12 days. IA few small buds are starting to appear. Lot of white hairs are coming out around the nodes. My question is my friend is giving me a 400w HPS to use. He says I shold put it back to 24/0 for a couple of weeks to beef her up. She is about 18 inches high but kinda of stretched and skinny. How badly will it hurt her to put her back in to vegging for 2 weeks and than try to reflower?
Thanks - Currenly I am using 2 65 w grow lights and 2 25w CFLS. So under the 400w she should flourish. This is indoors and I have increased by grow space to be 3x3x6. Pictures are coming in the middle of this week. Other than that she is in perfect health. I just want to bud asap - but if I can get more growth quickly and than reflower with no damage I think that would be worth it.
Any suggestions much appreciated. Thanks:peace:


Well-Known Member
Once you start flowering it's best to not stop the cycle, as you can stress the plant and lower your yield. Best to reveg after harvest.


Active Member
my one friend grows indoors 2 setups and veg for 1 month switched to 12/12 till they show their sex and then pulls the males and clones with the females and switched back to 20/4 for another month or 1 1/2 says it stuns them for a week or two till they really grow any


Well-Known Member
Re-vegging will just slow down the whole process and shock the plant without good reason. The HPS will bulk up the plant quite nicely now that it is in flower mode.

Good luck and good growing.


Active Member
THanks guys. I guess I'll just keep flowering it. I t should get vbigger anyway since its budding and the 400w will just add to it. Right?
Should I add molasses yet? Or do I wait till about 6 weeks into flowering to do that?
Pics coming soon too.- casue it looks good and is really healthy. Hopefully the buds wilbe the same


Active Member
What do I do if I want to switch my dark period right now there dark period is from 9:30am to 9:30 pm and light period is 930pm to 9:30am they have been 2 weeks and I want to switch dark from 9:30pm to 9:30am if possible how so...


Well-Known Member
If you're in flower and want to switch your dark period leave it dark for a day and restart your light cycle the next day when you desire.