You fucking guys!

sure are tender hearted for being big city tough guys.
Some of you take this shit personal.
If you read my post, it was an honest opinion I felt as I travelled through the miles of economic collapse, urban blight, and decay, of Chicagoland. I never compared Chicago to the San Joaquin Valley, lol. I'd be the first person to admit Bakersfield is a shithole(asshole of California, armpit of California, Bako, Cowtown, etc). Bring it on I'm from that miserable place, hahaha.
I'm sorry Eso, but your not from Cali (many awesome spots not including Northern Cali or SD) and your opinion of what's what in Cali bears zero credibility to me as does mine in Chicago to you, so let's just grow and keep our opinions to ourselves. I promise.