Show me your drying set ups

So wait. Chemphlem/Chiqifella can post pics of other people set up for the sole purpose of mocking yet has no pics of his own to put out there for critique? Hmmmm

Uncle Buck wouldn't be here if RUIs resident pet parrot didn't continually posts his pics.

I'm just calling the bullshit where I see it.
that was just the laundry room too

i had the spare bedroom, living room, dining room, and kitchen filled with buds that year too

15 pound harvest. sold in a week
So wait. Chemphlem/Chiqifella can post pics of other people set up for the sole purpose of mocking yet has no pics of his own to put out there for critique? Hmmmm

Uncle Buck wouldn't be here if RUIs resident pet parrot didn't continually posts his pics.

I'm just calling the bullshit where I see it.

the assclown has been posting this child rape shit for years, and you like it?
no no I am russian remember?
I have a hundred pics posted tryan keep up lady.
if it doesnt concern you stay out right? isnt that the advice you offer schmuck?
instead I see you defend a cuck who only speak about child rape, sucking cocks, others sucking his cock too.

how do you fit into his scheme I wonder?upload_2018-4-11_6-22-0.png
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sorry you missed it
for tangy

View attachment 4120258
All irrelevant. I don't give a flying fig what Buck did to trigger you. It wouldn't matter who's pic you were using. My point stands and you seem to be intentionally avoiding it.
You constantly parrot shit you've read from other forums or google in an attempt to sound like an experienced grower. You may temporarily impress the noobs but the real gardeners here see straight through you. You've tripped up more than once. I just haven't bothered to call you on it but trust that others notice as well. I mean, you do realize all your posts from your other usernames are still available right, lol.
Sooo, if you're going to go after Buck...go. He can take it. But if you're going to use other people grow pics to mock then be prepared to post your own.
Show RIU how its done chemmy. Lets see this awesomely perfect set up you have.
Its simple. Put up or shut up
And as far as that pic of drying bud. Yeah, I'm grossed out by litter boxes but my father used to dry his harvests in our barn FFS. Horses, rabbits and chickens all shit too but I'd still take that weed over something doused in pesticides riddled with the carcasses of mites and shit.

this is telling Nancy Drew
you encourage and support bucks talk of pedophilia and racism.
but get miffed at those who are stopping him? you are a winner for sure!

" you have 2 choices- drying in cat shit or drying in pesticides and mite carcass? you have an active mind girlie girl
dont go all menopausal on us now, you used to be cool.

controlling an environment to succeed is common knowledge, you seem to be impressed by this?