Show me your drying set ups

I can't add links just yet. Just search google for: kingbriteled. You will see his alibaba vendor page as a result. They also offer those growkits without stealing money from you ;)

Instead of 450 you pay 270 for 5 cxb 3590 and you have reflectors, holders and passive cooling.
Yeah I have looked at that when I originally was looking then I also have to pay for and deal with shipping from china and from what I saw the price was not much different. maybe I will look into it again. thanks for the info!
Yes, you have to pay the shipping. But because you have to pay it it will be delivered by express courier. And they won't write down the actual worth of the package if you tell them not to. I ordered there and I just payed the 2% paypal fee and the 20 dollars shipping in addition to the set's price.