Greenpoint seeds!!

you get some pollen off that plant and freeze it.
Nah it was a mutant. Like bad. And the one top still hasn't grown out of it. At each node it's throwing 7 or 8 side branches. But not a fully developed branch. I'd prefer not to use pollen from a mutant. I have a mimosa male that' gonna put work in here real soon. Gonna be something special hopefully.

The mimosa male is perfectly structured, he is super resionous, Has a hardcore orange/Clementine scent. With just a tad of what reminds me of cleaner fabuloso or something like that. Comes in a purple bottle from the dollar store. He will be hitting my mimosa s1 that are germing now. And a Chemtrail Cookie Breath, dank cheeze, and Clementine Cookies. And one more. But not letting it out yet.
Reviews are pretty much rendered useless at this point lol
Eh, it appears the community is doing a decent job of at least downvoting the shitty reviews. I just wish it would auto sort the reviews so the most downvoted are at the bottom.

However, it also appears someone angry (jealous?) at someone else (hehe) is mass downvoting even well-written, informative reviews with photos. Salty...
It grows frostier, matures quicker, and stretches less even if all parameters stay. This is fact and something that is very evident to nearly everyone who grows a lot from seed and clones. It's been very common knowledge for probably 30+ years. It is very evident to master organic growers who get killer results every time regardless of plant strain.

Growing it "better" generally entails "dialing it in" which entails people growing with chems. A constant guessing game the majority of the time because most people refuse to keep it simple stupid as we call it. K.I.S.S.

This is true and near exactly what I said. One difference being is you generally don't get "whatever". You get punnet squares, very noticeable result of standard ratios (I am not going to spend time explaining this). We call it hybrid vigor...F1 vigor...for a reason. The more inbred the less you will yield and the less vigor you will get as well as less variety (inbreeding depression). Unless of course you hybridize a low vigor strain with a low vigor strain. IE OGKB x Bubba Kush will undoubtedly result in a plant that will grow as slow as a fuckin sequoia tree in the winter (almost 0 stretch, complete shit yield, but of amazing quality buds). I always go for F1's when possible aside from very land race based strains that you won't notice much vigor reduction at all even around F9.

This is why most people in the AG industry don't sell to the public until F4 plus. They save the awesome gene pool for themselves to fully work and explore while giving the customer a more specific and 'stabilized' product. IE the reason that DP and Sensi have multiple versions skunk from Skunk #1-whatever to Orange Skunk to Pineapple Skunk list goes on...

In short the vast majority of time:

F1's = more variation and more vigor
F4+ = less variation and less vigor.

Edit: Wanted to add something. I don't think a lot of inexperienced people out there or even people with a lot of experience, but just with American genetics, have any clue what good yield is...Try growing some MNS Critical Skunk (insane yields), Shit, Afghan x Skunk, Haze x Skunk, Haze x Afghani, or Northern lights, KC brains Mango or many of his other lines, Serious Seeds AK47 m/f versions, White Russian, ....That shit will blow your mind as far as yield goes. I could keep listing for days. Lots of Dutch genetics are just out of this world yield compared to modern American genes as of late. That is what landrace brings to the table though and why it is so important to have a broad healthy gene pool.
Thanks for trying to tell me im a noob? Lol

You didnt answer what i asked and i said i was interested but now ill be my normal self :)

Links to your proof?

At what age does improvement stop? cause genetic drift might say differnt lol

So a 20 year clone is just going to be a frosted super bud right ..?

So why doesnt major agriculture deal in just clones?

You cant wrap a question like i asked with anyone who knew what there doing would know lol
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I have had plants from seed kick azz then the clone doesn't. I had seed plant be so so and clone kick azz. If I knew why I would write a grow book. I just chalk it up to shit happens.:cool:
That's the reason it takes a few runs..

I got a Columbian gold x Jack H that just hit mature enough after 6-7 months from seed..
Her clone is getting the same treatment.
Thanks for trying to tell me im a noob? Lol

You didnt answer what i asked and i said interested but now ill be my normal prick self :)

Links to your proof?

At what age does improvement stop cause genetic drift might say differnt lol

So a 20 year clone is just going to be a frosted super bud right .....pffft

Don't know where you got the me calling you a noob thing, maybe my edit, but certainly was not aimed at you or meant to denigrate anyone. We all started at some point. Sorry if you took it that way just trying to spread good info and you definitely are not the only one reading or the one I speak to when I reply to things of this nature. I am just taking time out my day I don't have to to spread good info like I have been for about 18~ years now online.

At what age does improvement stop cause genetic drift might say differnt lol

It isn't like it continues to get better, the clone is the clone, it performs how it performs and doesn't just magically improve over time or improve through successive cloning. It performs better than the seed version in every case. If it doesn't then there are either environmental changes causing this or some parameters changing. My proof? Ask any serious cannabis grower. This has been common knowledge in the industry as much as watering the plant helps it grow (maybe a little exaggeration there :P)... I don't know the exact science as to why clones perform better but I am quite sure some botanist out there has figured out and has quite a bit of essays and empirical research papers on it. I have always just put it on the fact they are more mature and don't have to put the same amount of energy as a seed plant does into growing when starting from seed. It has less variables to deal with that require energy and time. IE no breaking through seed shell and fighting to survive, no generating roots from scratch, no fight to get to top of soil, lots of plant parts are already there that did not exist previously. I believe this allows for more that energy to go to production and what not. This is just based on my logic and observation as well as countless others far more experienced and knowledgeable than me and with degrees to boot.

Clones quit performing good when they are abused and misused over generations has been my personal observation. IE every time I am forced to reveg a plant the successive clones taken from it seems to be shitty themselves and over time they seemed to diminish. This is purely based on my observation from years of growing and breeding. There may be other factors to it, but the plants I have kept healthy for years and never put to extreme stress or abused never show any difference. There are many clones out there like the Aeric Cali-o clones, chemdogs, sd's, OGK's, that have been around over 20 years and show no signs of degradation. MNS parental stock, DP, Sensi you name it all have parents that are 20+ years old and will tell you they don't see any issues with them.

By the way I think you have genetic drift and epigenetic changes confused? Epigenetic = environment affects genes and causes changes and is not very well understood, but much better in the last decade. We are getting way off topic here... Check it through google and ask around if really interested.

I usually just tacked up better plant prefomance to having a grow experience of that strain from the first run

Not the plant magically improved in a few months lmao.
Sounds like bro science unless you can direct me to some links ;)

This very true! Do not discount this! Especially if you are not growing in the exact same soil with the exact same nutrient content confirmed by soil testing every time! As well as using water with the exact same nutrient and mineral content every time. Same goes for environment even small humidity and temp changes can be big factors. All things must be equal for the most part.

This is why most master growers = sealed rooms.
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A perfect example is right now I have a cross I made called Sour Stepsister. #6 is looking like a superstar, her clone is f'n with me. Damn thing started throwing single leaves like it is reveging under 24hr t5 light. She is finally straightening out. Do I know why it did this absolutely not. But I sure as hell will get it fixed.
Ok so no links

thanks for saying what you said :)

I will look into it

Cause it sounds like bro science to me

Spread your good info

Just put links or some kinda of material to back it when asked

You can pm it to me later if you like so we dont "derail" this thread that never gets derailed lol ;)
Eh, it appears the community is doing a decent job of at least downvoting the shitty reviews.
I just wish it would auto sort the reviews so the most downvoted are at the bottom.

However, it also appears someone angry (jealous?) at someone else (hehe) is mass downvoting even well-written, informative reviews with photos. Salty...
@Gu~ This is one hell of a good suggestion as long as rewards will be given for "reviews" on the site.
Ok so no links

thanks for saying what you said :)

Yeah no links a lot of the information I could give you links to are going to take days to find if ever and I got shit to do more important than ego measurements. Most are on icmag with discussions that were had with people who really knew their shit, TomHill Chimera, Samtheskunkman, Simon, Shanti, and Nevile being some of them and others were straight scientists. I don't pipe up unless I know what I am talking about whether it be first hand repeated experiences or people far beyond most on this board. This is a serious business and peoples livelihoods are on the line.
A perfect example is right now I have a cross I made called Sour Stepsister. #6 is looking like a superstar, her clone is f'n with me. Damn thing started throwing single leaves like it is reveging under 24hr t5 light. She is finally straightening out. Do I know why it did this absolutely not. But I sure as hell will get it fixed.
check timer? Seriously it happens lol
Yeah no links a lot of the information I could give you links to are going to take days to find if ever and I got shit to do more important than ego measurements. Most are on icmag with discussions that were had with people who really knew their shit, TomHill Chimera, Samtheskunkman, Shanti, and Nevile being some of them and others were straight scientists. I don't pipe up unless I know what I am talking about whether it be first hand repeated experiences or people far beyond most on this board.
Im quite satisfied with your responses now bud :)

Told me what i wanted to know;)
Yeah no links a lot of the information I could give you links to are going to take days to find if ever and I got shit to do more important than ego measurements. Most are on icmag with discussions that were had with people who really knew their shit, TomHill Chimera, Samtheskunkman, Simon, Shanti, and Nevile being some of them and others were straight scientists. I don't pipe up unless I know what I am talking about whether it be first hand repeated experiences or people far beyond most on this board.
Could you come off more condescending? You are literally defining bro science here