Rare Dankness signs deal with LP Maricann

I Wonder what the implications for aurora will be. They gave it another name but still market it as their "ghost train haze". Its my understanding that you cant patent a plant, but you can patent the process for making it. So if RD were to patent his GTH in canada aurora would be fucked unless its a more complicated cross than just a GTH F-something, I think.. Honestly lawyers are gonna be the biggest winners with this "legalization".
business 101 man..
Make More Business! :roll:
scratch and crawl the entire way! :hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:
None of you are going to have to worry about seeds in your LIFE TIME! :idea::idea::weed:(:
"Every Canadian adult can grow their own and they can share with friends. There is absolutely no need to purchase anything from these low-lifes"

Wait till you are forced too. When they have the money they will go tot he government, and complains bout pesticides, or weed getting to kids. They will make the cost of doing business so high for the little guys we have no choice to buy their products.
"Every Canadian adult can grow their own and they can share with friends. There is absolutely no need to purchase anything from these low-lifes"

Wait till you are forced too. When they have the money they will go tot he government, and complains bout pesticides, or weed getting to kids. They will make the cost of doing business so high for the little guys we have no choice to buy their products.
There is always a choice, and the right choice is to not purchase poison shwag.
In 80 years they have never been able to force anybody!
No one will buy that poison swag anyway. That is a done deal, And they did That well at least. :)
we already have a model of what happens when the "government doesn't let you" do something. It goes underground and people do it discretely with stealth. The government can't beat the illegal tobacco trade in Canada, how are they going to bust up the cannabis market which is arguably much more robust? Eye roll galore over here.
like I have said all along/
They want it both ways...so they can do as they choose,
said it from day one
They dont want it legal. :idea: They have jails and institutions to fill up still ..,,
They want to be able to sell it and jail your ass when they want for extra cash on the side...

welcome to prohibition II Cannada style..
we already have a model of what happens when the "government doesn't let you" do something. It goes underground and people do it discretely with stealth. The government can't beat the illegal tobacco trade in Canada, how are they going to bust up the cannabis market which is arguably much more robust? Eye roll galore over here.
100 % correct Sir!
We are here to stay.....we no longer listen to those who think it's ok to drink booze while they fuck us over....not listening to that kind any more.
like I have said all along/
They want it both ways...so they can do as they choose,
said it from day one
They dont want it legal. :idea: They have jails and institutions to fill up still ..,,
They want to be able to sell it and jail your ass when they want for extra cash on the side...

welcome to prohibition II Cannada style..

Bingo! They want to be able to still go into peoples cars and homes by just an instant scratch and sniff warrant.
Exactly all about government and friends making money. Just like it happened before, shut down med home grows and can only buy from LP. Now, we have ACMPR but we have legalization broadly banning home grows. I give it 24months and ACMPR is repealed and then no growing at all and need to get a DG in industrial zone. Huff and puff all yas want it, happened before will happen again. The same lawyers who won you your garden said growing is coming to an end.
....and the BM goes on....some people just love to grow...no Med program means that EVERYBODY will be limited to the GOVERNMENT's silly possession/carry limits, where a person can use,. etc...all the things that make it different from rec users....
Well Forcing patients back to square one will not work! But they can try all they want! We’ve got Got them beat and they know it! They have no legs to stand on anymore to stop what we do and or could they in the first place!
I have a little faith LOL
RD collecting $500K is something to rant about? Google:
The Great Pot Monopoly Mystery... wtf? I do a copy and paste how do I get off this bold script . disgusting 2017 GQ magezine article.
Much better...the article is about some corporation that is getting utility copyrights on genetics. All the article does for me is reinforces my belief that lawyers are the lowest form of life...litigation lawyers to be more precise. The thing to remember is that there are way more lawyers than demand requires so this is the kind of crap these vultures come up with.
Exactly all about government and friends making money. Just like it happened before, shut down med home grows and can only buy from LP. Now, we have ACMPR but we have legalization broadly banning home grows. I give it 24months and ACMPR is repealed and then no growing at all and need to get a DG in industrial zone. Huff and puff all yas want it, happened before will happen again. The same lawyers who won you your garden said growing is coming to an end.
Not going to happen. To big a law suit.