Just wanted to drop by to say thanks, AP. The pool shock is amazing! Everything is rooting beautifully with thick, hairy white roots. I'm keeping my aero cloners' water at about 85 now, and man, do they root quick at this temp. I bought a couple of digital aquarium thermometers so I can see the water temp at all times. I also bought a top-of-the-line aquarium heater because the weather is getting cooler, and I want to maintain that constant 85 degrees water temp. I almost can't believe how well this works. I overdid it a little with the shock in the beginning as I was super paranoid about the slime rearing its ugly head again, so about half of my 36 clones got a bit fried on some leaves, but they still rooted great and are recovering quickly in flower. On my second batch I'm using the recommended amount, and all looks great. I've been struggling for months to keep my grow op full, and I've lost thousand of dollars with this recent cloning problem. If you're ever in Chicago, I'll buy you a beer