Greenpoint seeds!!

Okay so a prepaid Wal-Mart visa card is how I'd like to make my order on Friday. But if that don't work(I got an email not letting the order go through with my debit card last week) then I'll send cash. How does that work, what do I need to know sending cash?

@HydroRed I apologize, I know you told me this the other day, I forgot what you told me to do and there's so much arguing and what not going on in this thread that I really don't want to go back and try finding it. Who knows how many pages of bicary have gone by since then.
Okay so a prepaid Wal-Mart visa card is how I'd like to make my order on Friday. But if that don't work(I got an email not letting the order go through with my debit card last Monday) then I'll send cash. How does that work, what do I need to know sending cash?

@HydroRed I apologize, I know you told me this the other day, I forgot what you told me to do and there's so much arguing and what not going on in this thread that I really don't want to go back and try finding it. Who knows how many pages of bicary have gone by since then.
Just send it like anything else..
Okay so a prepaid Wal-Mart visa card is how I'd like to make my order on Friday. But if that don't work(I got an email not letting the order go through with my debit card last week) then I'll send cash. How does that work, what do I need to know sending cash?

@HydroRed I apologize, I know you told me this the other day, I forgot what you told me to do and there's so much arguing and what not going on in this thread that I really don't want to go back and try finding it. Who knows how many pages of bicary have gone by since then.
i wrap my cash in a couple pieces of paper stuff it in an envelope,and priority ship @$6.00 just to be able to track it.some send it regular mail out of their own mailboxes.i write my order #,account,gmail,and even riu handle on one of those sheets of paper i wrapped my cash with.i also write out what ive ordered for issues anywhere.
Thats part of his costs bud shipping cost money.

Just cause the nuggets got you the seeds for free basically your paying for the box and shipping.

I dont see the problem ..... but i understand your question

Maybe my brain isn't thinking this through properly (I am usually pretty good with eco), but the Golden nuggets while not real cause me to send in less real money to purchase things? i.E. I would think this would not matter a result. I mean if I am spending 5.65 of my nugget money on shipping it is 5.65 less money I would be saving in the future on a purchase and being forced to send in real money as a result.
Awesome, thanks!

Hey do not be concerned about sending in cash as long as it is tracked man (only worry in Europe (they have mail theft problems) our people are generally not dumb enough to commit serious mail felonies here in the states) or if you have any doubts as to whether the US address is correct). You will be fine. Send him your tracking number and order number via his contact us tool on his website and he can get things to you even faster.
That's a sleeper #5 was keeper all day.straight up dog shit and super gluey.every one that smoked it says it's in there top 3 smoke.i just took a bunch of cuts off the mom to run again.matter of fact I just left office depot with 4 totes to start them in as soon as they root.

excellent. got some texas butter in veg, gonna pop my gunslinger in a couple months.

glad to hear there is some fire in there.
Sorry Nug, I just logged on.
No prob man, got it figured out. I actually just logged on to GP to start figuring out exactly what all I want for Friday and saw raindance in the auction sitting at $38, I couldn't resist! :razz:

I gotta say, Greenpoint has moved to the top of my radar for beans at this point in time. Amped for Friday's drop!
Maybe my brain isn't thinking this through properly (I am usually pretty good with eco), but the Golden nuggets while not real cause me to send in less real money to purchase things? i.E. I would think this would not matter a result. I mean if I am spending 5.65 of my nugget money on shipping it is 5.65 less money I would be saving in the future on a purchase and being forced to send in real money as a result.
Exactly real money in hand is worth more to gu cause he has the seeds lol and i dont think he makes anything off charging for shipping

Hes just not draining himself

If he gave the seeds away and paid for them to get there
Whats he left with? Gu's legit but the guy has to make it profiable or this all goes bye bye

Is how i see it bud :)
Again retard that is clearly the description of Grandpa Larry.
I don't think I'm the only one who understood the comparison you were trying to make but maybe next time instead of bolding the letters use quotation marks. A lot gets lost in text and some read in a literal sense rather than figurative...KWIM.
The miscommunication amongst stoners can cause a lot of unnecessary can be seen in the last few pages.

Good grief.
I have one request for @Gu~

It would be very convenient if we did not have to ship you shipping money when purchasing orders with golden nuggets when there are lots of golden nuggets to spare to pay for shipping. I don't see how allowing this would hurt your business or take money away from it. I think it would increase your processing time, save your workers work, and be very beneficial for both parties. If there is some reason preventing this no big deal just thought I would say something. It is sort of like sending the IRS a ton of money only to have it returned...Ridiculous costs involved there that are completely avoidable.

You mean not only getting the pack for free but you also want Gu to pay to ship it to you? If your using nuggets why pay cash and not just use a credit card. I mean the fee on a 6 dollar shipping would be much cheaper than paying for a traceable box.

If Gu gives away a pack of seeds it' no money from his pocket. But shipping costs money so can't expect the guy to take a loss on that.
You mean not only getting the pack for free but you also want Gu to pay to ship it to you? If your using nuggets why pay cash and not just use a credit card. I mean the fee on a 6 dollar shipping would be much cheaper than paying for a traceable box.

If Gu gives away a pack of seeds it' no money from his pocket. But shipping costs money so can't expect the guy to take a loss on that.

I am not complaining at all as I did not view it as a cost to him since I would be spending my nuggets for the shipping which in turn ='s me having less nuggets to use in the future which in turn would result in me having to send in real money to make up for it as I spent my nuggets on paying for shipping for a previous order (that 5.65 'fake' money I spent before now has to be replaced with real cash by me as I spent it in the form of nuggets). Basically there is no loss to either person the way I am thinking about it. There would be an immediate loss to him but at the end of the day after all my nuggets are used the money comes back to him? I would think the only loss would be interest technically, but I would think this would be easily made up by him not having workers he is paying at least 10$ an hour to work to process my shipping money and mail I send in...

I am not by any means looking for a handout or wanting more for free lol. I feel he is very good to do business with. His deals are great. I just think it would be mutually beneficial to do it my way and at the end of the day more beneficial to him as soon as all nuggets are spent. I could be very wrong though and may be thinking of it wrong. None of us are immune to being stupid once in awhile haha :P

Edit: One problem I see with this is if someone doesn't use all their nuggets. I am assuming one would. I could see he could take a loss if the majority do not. I do not have access to his sales history data so I guess it would be inconclusive on benefit until an accountant could verify the majority do spend all of it and make another order in the future.
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