For those who rely on synthetic urine to pass drug tests


Well-Known Member
So I work for the union and have random drug screens. I carry " quick fix" urine on me at all times at work. A buddy who I work with just told me that they have a new way of detecting the synthetic urine? Apparently someone we work with got busted for it.
So I'm wondering if anyone else has heard anything about this. This is new to me as of about 30 minutes ago. Surely the cooperations will have something new out on the market to help pass tests again you'd think. Just looking to stay one step ahead of the game if they can detect the fake piss now, I gotta figure something out to pass the tests(luckily in 4 years ive never been picked once *knocking on wood*). Any info anyone's got on that is much appreciated.
It has been 5 years since my 7 years on a drilling rig. The key always was that companies wouldn't pay for the high end tests. They could detect flushing and fake piss. Plus we really only had to worry about pre employment outside of a serious onsite incident.
Not trying to be debbie the downer but I would not be surprised if the cost of those tests has come way down.

From experience the only way to pass is to actually not consume. In the past I have gone from heavy consumption to passing in under 2 weeks. Hours everyday running on the spot in my bathroom turned sauna wearing everything I could find.
Sweating it out and not consuming are your only option if they are running top grade piss tests. Do not buy into any of the cranberry, drank type BS. That will not help.
Cheers :)
It has been 5 years since my 7 years on a drilling rig. The key always was that companies wouldn't pay for the high end tests. They could detect flushing and fake piss. Plus we really only had to worry about pre employment outside of a serious onsite incident.
Not trying to be debbie the downer but I would not be surprised if the cost of those tests has come way down.

From experience the only way to pass is to actually not consume. In the past I have gone from heavy consumption to passing in under 2 weeks. Hours everyday running on the spot in my bathroom turned sauna wearing everything I could find.
Sweating it out and not consuming are your only option if they are running top grade piss tests. Do not buy into any of the cranberry, drank type BS. That will not help.
Cheers :)
I see. Well hopefully they didn't upgrade the tests. This was somebody out in the field, so who knows, it could've been a big accident or something. I saved one of the guys jobs in the shop, he was drawn for a test and told me he wasn't clean, I told him go get the quick fix and he's had to test several times since and passed everyone with quick fix. Hopefully they didn't upgrade the tests.
Something funny,, we had our weekly safety meeting today, it was over drugs and alcohol. One "fact" they had about marijuana is that it is also commonly known as "boom" (LMFAO)and proceeded to talk about how it is a more dangerous substance then cigarettes.
This is where I have to work.
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Or have access to clean urine. The downside is it needs to be somewhat fresh and within body temp range when submitted. And don't dilute with water as it will show creatinine.

I know some labs are now routinely testing for masking agents, synthetic urine, etc.

Keep in mind my info is a little dated. I haven't worked in the med field for a few yrs but my spouse owns/runs a small construction company and occasionally the DOT and OSHA come sniffing around.
Armpit is best to get er up to body temp fastest.
From what the OP is describing I would guess it was a field incident.
This thread just reminded me how fucking lame it is that us weed smokers, (never on site for this guy) get fucked worse then the crack, meth , and coke heads.
Cheers and goodluck man :)
Armpit is best to get er up to body temp fastest.
From what the OP is describing I would guess it was a field incident.
This thread just reminded me how fucking lame it is that us weed smokers, (never on site for this guy) get fucked worse then the crack, meth , and coke heads.
Cheers and goodluck man :)
Thanks, appreciate the input!
Is that suppose to be the newest formula?
Yes...I bought 2 bottles of QF 6.0 over a year ago and thankfully did not need them. I keep them around just in case I do. Supposedly every time there is a new detection method they change the formula to get around it. I know that the 6.0 version added uric acid to avoid detection but can't find any info on the newest version.
So I work for the union and have random drug screens. I carry " quick fix" urine on me at all times at work. A buddy who I work with just told me that they have a new way of detecting the synthetic urine? Apparently someone we work with got busted for it.
So I'm wondering if anyone else has heard anything about this. This is new to me as of about 30 minutes ago. Surely the cooperations will have something new out on the market to help pass tests again you'd think. Just looking to stay one step ahead of the game if they can detect the fake piss now, I gotta figure something out to pass the tests(luckily in 4 years ive never been picked once *knocking on wood*). Any info anyone's got on that is much appreciated.
How long do these Quick Fix things last for

how long does normal undrugged urine last for say in a freezer...?

Thnaks in advance
How long do these Quick Fix things last for

how long does normal undrugged urine last for say in a freezer...?

Thnaks in advance
The quick fix urine is good for somewhere around 8 months give or take I believe. Not sure on real urine. I wouldn't be able to keep it in the freezer anyway, I have to carry the stuff on me daily incase of an accident, plus if you get drawn you have to leave work that day to go take the test. I keep it in my boxer briefs all day, keeps it up at a decent temp.
I just used some agent x probably 7 months ago with no issues. The place I had to take the screening sends their samples out to a lab. Passed without issue. I've failed for 1 time not putting enough in the cup the lady told me to fill it to the line but told me the wrong line so when I came out she said I had to take it again. Another time the temp wasn't warm enough and failed. But never because they detected the fake pee.
I just used some agent x probably 7 months ago with no issues. The place I had to take the screening sends their samples out to a lab. Passed without issue. I've failed for 1 time not putting enough in the cup the lady told me to fill it to the line but told me the wrong line so when I came out she said I had to take it again. Another time the temp wasn't warm enough and failed. But never because they detected the fake pee.
So what is the minimal temp they'll accept? Mine makes it to 94 just walking around with it throughout the day. I always figured if I do get picked I'll just have to tuck it deep to get the temp a bit higher. Helps that id be sitting in a chair at the place for a bit rather than walking around, figured that'll help build some heat too.
So what is the minimal temp they'll accept? Mine makes it to 94 just walking around with it throughout the day. I always figured if I do get picked I'll just have to tuck it deep to get the temp a bit higher. Helps that id be sitting in a chair at the place for a bit rather than walking around, figured that'll help build some heat too.
I'm sure that is fine mine is usually around 96-98 I microwave mine to heat it up. Usually try getting it around 100 so by time I drive to doctor it had time to cool a bit. I keep a rubber band and the hand warmer stuck to the bottle to help prolong it staying warm and in range.
Yes...I bought 2 bottles of QF 6.0 over a year ago and thankfully did not need them. I keep them around just in case I do. Supposedly every time there is a new detection method they change the formula to get around it. I know that the 6.0 version added uric acid to avoid detection but can't find any info on the newest version.
If they are over 6 months I would toss them. The pH rises as it gets older.
I see. Well hopefully they didn't upgrade the tests. This was somebody out in the field, so who knows, it could've been a big accident or something. I saved one of the guys jobs in the shop, he was drawn for a test and told me he wasn't clean, I told him go get the quick fix and he's had to test several times since and passed everyone with quick fix. Hopefully they didn't upgrade the tests.
Something funny,, we had our weekly safety meeting today, it was over drugs and alcohol. One "fact" they had about marijuana is that it is also commonly known as "boom" (LMFAO)and proceeded to talk about how it is a more dangerous substance then cigarettes.
This is where I have to work.
RSA is the only place it is called boom not boom like the sound, you guys would pronounce it as bwhim. Boom means tree in Afrikaans so you can see why people use it.
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Yeah we happened to just get a 4 page packet on drugs and alcohol abuse today, focused mainly on drugs. Talked about how there are increasingly more and more ways to pass a test and said that the company is now working to combat that and are changing up some of the ways they do their testing, blah blah blah.

So it turns out there was some sort of field incident last week where a worker was busted trying to use the quick fix. Well it so happens that another worker who happens to be in the shop, he's actually one of my buddies, he's been screwing around with xannies lately and I guess he overdosed on them last Saturday and had to get a blood transfusion, so he's still a bit screwy so they gave him the week off, who knows if they'll let him come back. But he's one that's been getting tested left and right and been passing.
I'm honestly thinking that the field guy who got busted was a mistake on his own part, but now these 2 situations occurring all the sudden is gonna fuck people like me who have been staying under the radar.
It should get interesting from here on out! There are a lot of hard, well working potheads with this company who use the quick fix. bongsmilie
Yeah we happened to just get a 4 page packet on drugs and alcohol abuse today, focused mainly on drugs. Talked about how there are increasingly more and more ways to pass a test and said that the company is now working to combat that and are changing up some of the ways they do their testing, blah blah blah.

So it turns out there was some sort of field incident last week where a worker was busted trying to use the quick fix. Well it so happens that another worker who happens to be in the shop, he's actually one of my buddies, he's been screwing around with xannies lately and I guess he overdosed on them last Saturday and had to get a blood transfusion, so he's still a bit screwy so they gave him the week off, who knows if they'll let him come back. But he's one that's been getting tested left and right and been passing.
I'm honestly thinking that the field guy who got busted was a mistake on his own part, but now these 2 situations occurring all the sudden is gonna fuck people like me who have been staying under the radar.
It should get interesting from here on out! There are a lot of hard, well working potheads with this company who use the quick fix. bongsmilie
I’m a union worker also and I usually buy this thing called magnum detox synthetic urine it comes with a hand warmer and a rubber band in it it works good a friend of mine was getting hired on in the shop and I gave him my bottle and it works and they check it to see if it’s fake piss and they couldn’t detect it hope that helps.... I haven’t smoked since New Years so I am clean at the moment so I have no worries.... Happy growing Union brother and be safe out there ....