Aussie Growers Thread

Lol fuck off u cunts iv had a few so that probly why lol bout 2 mix up now I thinkmiv gunna go with 0.6 ec all my seedlings have sprouted now thay all have there 1st true leaves fuken hate those seedling tray things using solos or somthing im sure its been like a week havent had 2 water yet I thingk cuse its 2 wet probnot really builing a root system think ill use jiffies from now onill drop 2 deep dreams and 2 sw ogs x nl
here's my first cup photo, both are mini hempy style with 3/4 straight perlite on the bottom and the top quarter is from my dirt bin with a fair amount of perlite cut through it. on the left is the original amnesia and on the right is the black dog. There's a lower snatch hole on the amnesia so it will be interesting to see if that makes a difference in the long run.

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also chopped the shit out of the roots on the af x haze in a cup so hopefully it will bounce back a bit
Is that a post modernist impressionist cubist style ?
Lol the fuxk use on about I feel so dum right now fuck I wish I had some jiffys so im going 4 as little amount ec maybe around .5 and im going for some coco as damo as a well rung sponge its it being so small and tjere being too weet for the root system 2 srart fround in a that 1st few days gunna paper towl these I rekon
Lol the fuxk use on about I feel so dum right now fuck I wish I had some jiffys so im going 4 as little amount ec maybe around .5 and im going for some coco as damo as a well rung sponge its it being so small and tjere being too weet for the root system 2 srart fround in a that 1st few days gunna paper towl these I rekon
All I can decipher from that is you wish you had jiffies,have I got that right ?
I need a new fan, I've got a 4 inch fan thats a bit worse for wear and I'm looking at getting a 6 inch (so I'll need a new filter too). quieter is better obviously but I'd prefer to keep costs south of 500 for a new fan and filter. Anybody have one they'd recommend? These af x hazes are stinking up big time in veg so its making me think about it a bit sooner than I thought
I need a new fan, I've got a 4 inch fan thats a bit worse for wear and I'm looking at getting a 6 inch (so I'll need a new filter too). quieter is better obviously but I'd prefer to keep costs south of 500 for a new fan and filter. Anybody have one they'd recommend? These af x hazes are stinking up big time in veg so its making me think about it a bit sooner than I thought
Bit on the expensive side depends on what size you go with to suit your space but the stealth hyper fans with phresh filters are the best ive crossed in years..
I need a new fan, I've got a 4 inch fan thats a bit worse for wear and I'm looking at getting a 6 inch (so I'll need a new filter too). quieter is better obviously but I'd prefer to keep costs south of 500 for a new fan and filter. Anybody have one they'd recommend? These af x hazes are stinking up big time in veg so its making me think about it a bit sooner than I thought
I'm waiting till I've got the $ to buy a Panasonic whisperline fan, they've got speed control settings and are an all-round quality build. Really good reviews from all I've ever read
I'm waiting till I've got the $ to buy a Panasonic whisperline fan, they've got speed control settings and are an all-round quality build. Really good reviews from all I've ever read
looks like it would be bombproof but i dont know how id fit that in a little tent
I'm waiting till I've got the $ to buy a Panasonic whisperline fan, they've got speed control settings and are an all-round quality build. Really good reviews from all I've ever read
I ran the whisperline fans for 12 months then made the switch to hyper, Havnt looked back. There good dont get me wrong but ill take a hyper before another whisperline.