Greenpoint seeds!!

Back during the fall I placed an order and wanted to switch it from card to cash because I was having trouble with my card. Unfortunately nothing could be done about it once you confirm payment... However, the entire system is different now and different techs, etc... So I would email Gu~ and he will tell you one way or another.

Congrats to everyone that got what they wanted! I calculating this right...1 month ago gold nug program was spend 1$/1$nug earned if spend 150$+, if you spend less than 150$ then it's 1$/.5$nug earned...1/1 earning been done bout a month now...All of March was spend 1$ earn .5$.....the way I'm seeing it is now, new nugg program in all is best case ,if I'm big shit diamond status. I spend 1$ to earn .2$...correct me if I'm not tripping I'm still spent on the cakes regardless I just want to be on top of my 420 sale nugget game...get the cakes before I go back fore seconds...
You all are going crazy over this stuff! It is great to see everyone so happy about it! Good stuff Lol

I am all sitting here like come on 420 sale I have a few more strains I want that are non femmed.

So I am still refreshing like a crack head though just not wanting those specific seeds.
I'm pretty stoked about these s1's. I'm telling my wife about it and she's like, oh cool more seeds, rolling her eyes.
I'm pretty stoked about these s1's. I'm telling my wife about it and she's like, oh cool more seeds, rolling her eyes.

Lol I have to say I am a lucky man... my wife actually doesn't care if I go ape shit on bean sprees haha. She actually seems interested when I explain it all to her. She is in the process of learning to grow atm.

But ya know, who knows what she really thinks lol. I said Wedding Cake, she says "yummmm!".