The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


Well-Known Member
Behavior? That seems to consist of not sharing your viewpoint Why is everything racist with you?
You don't have to share my view point, just provide honest, logical arguments for yours, and I won't quibble over any "fake news" bullshit, facts are facts and opinions are just opinions and nothing more. The facts are not on your side, there is a mounting mountain of evidence against Trump and his associates, in fact there are already several convictions.

Race is central to Trump's support, the statistics say it all. Only racism/tribalism can distort reality to the degree that most Trump supporters experience. Racism/tribalism makes born yesterday christians ignore and filter out things like "grab them by the pussy".
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Well-Known Member
Wasn’t my thread.
Wasn’t even my post that got the thread closed.
Try again
Oh wait, let me put you on “ignore”.
Ok, now you can continue spoulting idiocy
Having me on ignore works for me too. So what if it wasn't your thread or the thread of your sock puppet, I don't give a shit, but judging by your posts here I can see why you'd whine about a mod attack thread being deleted.

A mod is God, fools piss off God, there ain't no 1st amendment on RIU, just mods and admins, start yer own redneck forum if ya want different, the forum software is free and server farm space is cheap as dirt.


Well-Known Member
He's a pathological liar and a professional liability for any lawyer, he needs a specialist type Washington lawyer, a bush leaguer won't do. Don't be too sure about the layers in your hometown, he's ripped off lots of lawyers and the word is out, they would want money up front too. They don't have to agree with him or even like him to represent him, but he has to be honest with his lawyer, them's the rules and he has demonstrated an inability for even basic honesty.
No good lawyer wants their name on the stern of the orange Titanic.


Well-Known Member
Mueller Investigated Sessions for Perjury on Russia Statements
Maybe Sessions didn't cut a deal with Mueller, Andy McCabe's firing before pension must have pissed him off, Andy was Mueller's fellow boy scout. Jeff will have to be very useful to Mueller to get away unscathed from perjury and russian collusion after helping Trump fuck over the leadership of the FBI. For now he's useful where he is and what he is, which is a sand bag used to protect Mueller from Trump, after Trump is impeached who knows...