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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
and we've never found a trace of these giants? no 20 foot tall femurs? no 50 gallon drinking cups? no elephant sized jock straps? mythology. never existed. know why dinosaurs never got that big? their bones wouldn't support them, they couldn't get enough air, and they would spend 23 hours a day eating.


Well-Known Member
Well, possibly there are remanents ? Go to YouTube and search "Mudfossil University" for that such thing, and see what you think, likely may find compelling at the very least

I believe they were three Earth ages

The first Earth age consisted solely of the Titans, they were approximately 2 miles tall

The second Earth age was from Adam to Noah

The third Earth age is now

Edit to add the so-called Gap theory in Genesis 1:2 ( became, not was ) provides the connection between the first and second Earth ages for anyone interested in further study
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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
life on earth has to follow rules. there is gravity, and air pressure. the air pressure and oxygen content used to be higher and bugs 6 to 8 feet long could exist. as the air pressure and oxygen content dropped, so did the size of insects. there has NEVER been enough oxygen in the air of this planet to support two mile high giants. ever.
then we can move on to gravity. when you get much larger than a brontosaurus sized animal, their legs would have to be so massive, with bones so thick, they wouldn't be able to move.
if you're saying this all happened because of magic, we don't have a lot to talk about.
if you're saying it was a natural occurrence, you're wrong.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
no, i don't think he's a goofball that believes whatever he reads online. which is actually worse. you can usually convince deluded goofballs of the truth if you push their faces into it enough times.
people who have real faith are practically impossible to convince. no matter what proof you show them, they can just ignore it in the face of their "faith".


Well-Known Member
no, i don't think he's a goofball that believes whatever he reads online. which is actually worse. you can usually convince deluded goofballs of the truth if you push their faces into it enough times.
people who have real faith are practically impossible to convince. no matter what proof you show them, they can just ignore it in the face of their "faith".
You'd be correct that I hold these beliefs not due to anything associated with the internet (May God forbid!). I held these opinions long before the internet existed, directly due to what most would call a close encounter of the fifth kind

Anyway here's a link that seems related to the Titan and Nephilim Giants topic..

.. wanted to add that while I do find the theory of the Titans of the first Earth age very interesting, I don't necessarily believe it to be true
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Well-Known Member
no, i don't think he's a goofball that believes whatever he reads online. which is actually worse. you can usually convince deluded goofballs of the truth if you push their faces into it enough times.
people who have real faith are practically impossible to convince. no matter what proof you show them, they can just ignore it in the face of their "faith".
I been monitoring your post Shrub and have developed a profile of your thought processes . You are very consistent at contradicting yourself dude. Man has used a rewritten bible to control the masses you say? Certainly, you don't strike me as a religious person. BUT ...NASA, Hollywood, mainstream media and the indoctrination of the public school system has bent you over and fisted you hard. :hump: You did not escape the mind control efforts. :| Your "faith" in NASA ROTFLMAO !!!!!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Okay. January 21st, 2006, I survived a brain aneurysm. By "survived" I am referring to the action that I was dead, flat lined, on the table 6:47. That's six minutes, forty seven seconds. While out of my body I was fully awake and lucid during those near seven minutes.

Now, before I go any further I am involved in an online forum made up of people who've had post-mortal experiences. In other words it's a forum for people who've been dead before and have come back. That said, I was lucid and there is no fire of a Hell; nor did I see any cherubs, no Saint Peter, no pearly gates, no old friends waiting at the gate for me who died long before I did, and there definitely isn't some omnipotent male being in a robe who's in oversight of everything. None. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

The problem with your book of miracles, Shrubber, is that that's exactly what it is. Your Bible, the Q'ran, all of the worlds Holy books were written by human hands. If you believe they were written by a supreme being you're delusional. It took human beings with human hands to write these books. The human hands that put them together were "projecting" what they think lies beyond death.

Death and what lies thereafter is NOT a human experience. You can't relate with it. No-one can unless you've been dead before. It's kind of like those who've had a UFO experience... if it hasn't happened to you then it does not apply to you. You cannot transmit something you haven't got. The human mind can only comprehend human events and situations. The mind cannot conceive of things that it has not experienced. It can only register what comes through the eyes, ears, nose mouth or through physical pain, discomfort, joy or emotionalism.

The human mind can only project what it "thinks" lies beyond death. There are many people on this planet who've lived, died and come back. Your Jesus isn't that special. I have every right to say it this way because I too have been "resurrected from the dead" as your holy Bible states as being such a miracle in itself. Pffft. Bullshit. It's a common occurrence. Your Bible is exactly what you just said it is: A book of "Miracles" which just as easily translates into a book of "Fiction".

There are 27 others on the post mortem forum. We all agree... there is no Heaven and there is no Hell.

There is only the ability to see everything at once; be everywhere at once; know everything at once; see and hear the thoughts and emotions of your loved ones all at once. It is almost indescribable in terms of anything human because it is NOT a human experience. We return to energy. That is all there is and all there ever will be... not some Spiritual Country Club that says you have everlasting life with God and all of your family members and buddies that died with you or before you living happily ever after. That's what Hollywood is for.

I am no Atheist. There is no word for what I am nor the other 27 people who've experienced what we have. There isn't a holy book or congregation on this planet that has a program that applies to those of us who have already been dead and know what's over there. We "need" a holy book like that because your Bible simply does not cover what people like us need. All your Bible does is dangle the proverbial carrot in front of suckers like you who keep chasing it.

Happy Easter... Enjoy your "carrot"!!!
FUCKING HEY! Awesome post. Nice to see someone post a different thought on things. I agree with you 100% and I didn't have to die to feel this way.

Glad you mentioned Shrubber cause to him everything is god and dreams. I asked him on another thread to open his mind a bit and all he could come back with was "open yours".

For example: He says that it would be impossible to go FTL. Why? Because he can't open his mind. He can only think in the ways of the bible or science facts. HUMAN science facts. He doesn't think out of the box and can't come to the realization that an ancient alien civilization can do things that our "dreams" and imagination couldn't even comprehend. How farfetched is that? He says we base our assumptions off of nonsense. I hate to call someone a hypocrite, but then again who am I to talk.

I also mentioned that I'm open to his theories about the bible and dreams and wouldn't hesitate to agree that they could be true. That's because I have an open mind about everything. Close minded is not how I would describe myself but when I think about what he says....."people were only drawing what they dreamed on the cave walls", I have to say NO. As another member here wrote, dreams are pretty much about things you have seen IRL only to present themselves to us during sleep. Shrubs answer will probably be that god made them dream it. No problem. Maybe he would be right.

Hiding in plain sight is not so hard to believe when we can't even agree with each other on the simplest of matters. We are too busy arguing with each other to notice most of the things going on around us. We too easily dismiss or disregard warnings about things we should really be paying attention to. If we don't kill ourselves first, one day we will all wake up, maybe all at the same exact moment. We will finally see what really matters to all of us as human beings and take our next step on this whack ass journey that we think is evolution.

I hope it happens soon because I don't think I will be around too much longer to witness it :blsmoke: are a good guy Shrubbie and we love you :bigjoint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Going FTL = antigravitics.

Dreams IME are a mash of stuff you encountered recently, I do think some can be visions of something greater.

Hiding in plain sight is the best method of concealment.



Well-Known Member
Man.. Seems like some ppl really have got some issues with ol shrubber not taking anyones side on anything.. But i think we can have a discussion ob things like this without getting mad or putting one another down.. If someone ridicules you or your beliefs then they just need to butt themselves outa a discussion like this one.. Arguing your point i can see.. But not making it too personal at the same time.. Cause thats how discussions like this usually end up and then we just never get anywhere... Im not putting down anyone either when saying this so please dont think that.. But like i said earlier.. I am very interested in the megalithic and monolithic structures...i think that is where most proof of.. If not aliens... Then the next or maybe even more sensible option to me. And that is an advanced civilization of us before... I think they knew by making these structures... And no.. They are not natural... They were doing a couple things.. They were showing their massively smart construction techniques to basically show off what they could do... Or they may have realized they were eventually going to be wiped out and they wanted to leave something that they thought would stand the tests of time.. So they wouldnt be forgotten in a way... So many archaeological finds have been made that totally blow conventional science outa the water when it comes to man that it is just ludicrus to not evaluate them more ..this is where my conspiracy mind comes into play.. I hate to use the word conspiracy but what other word would one use to explain our world leaders and "top scientists " just ignoring and setting aside.. Literally.. Evidence of something more.... Iv also thought that these ancient civilizations may well be the people that are returning to see the "homeland " ...i mean idk. It is really something to think on.. Its fun forne and exciting... Not thinking crazy ass things with absolutely no backing in any sense, in my mind anyway.. But things that i can imagine or piece together that have a connection somehow


Well-Known Member
Shrubber is fine. No one is fighting. He brings in a different POV and that's good for conversation. Now if people start posting these :finger::finger::finger: and some of these :-x:twisted::mad::evil: then maybe we may be out of line. No one needs to :wall: because we all love each other here :hump:and after a little of this :bigjoint:we sit back and do a little of this :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Okay. January 21st, 2006, I survived a brain aneurysm. By "survived" I am referring to the action that I was dead, flat lined, on the table 6:47. That's six minutes, forty seven seconds. While out of my body I was fully awake and lucid during those near seven minutes.

Now, before I go any further I am involved in an online forum made up of people who've had post-mortal experiences. In other words it's a forum for people who've been dead before and have come back. That said, I was lucid and there is no fire of a Hell; nor did I see any cherubs, no Saint Peter, no pearly gates, no old friends waiting at the gate for me who died long before I did, and there definitely isn't some omnipotent male being in a robe who's in oversight of everything. None. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

The problem with your book of miracles, Shrubber, is that that's exactly what it is. Your Bible, the Q'ran, all of the worlds Holy books were written by human hands. If you believe they were written by a supreme being you're delusional. It took human beings with human hands to write these books. The human hands that put them together were "projecting" what they think lies beyond death.

Death and what lies thereafter is NOT a human experience. You can't relate with it. No-one can unless you've been dead before. It's kind of like those who've had a UFO experience... if it hasn't happened to you then it does not apply to you. You cannot transmit something you haven't got. The human mind can only comprehend human events and situations. The mind cannot conceive of things that it has not experienced. It can only register what comes through the eyes, ears, nose mouth or through physical pain, discomfort, joy or emotionalism.

The human mind can only project what it "thinks" lies beyond death. There are many people on this planet who've lived, died and come back. Your Jesus isn't that special. I have every right to say it this way because I too have been "resurrected from the dead" as your holy Bible states as being such a miracle in itself. Pffft. Bullshit. It's a common occurrence. Your Bible is exactly what you just said it is: A book of "Miracles" which just as easily translates into a book of "Fiction".

There are 27 others on the post mortem forum. We all agree... there is no Heaven and there is no Hell.

There is only the ability to see everything at once; be everywhere at once; know everything at once; see and hear the thoughts and emotions of your loved ones all at once. It is almost indescribable in terms of anything human because it is NOT a human experience. We return to energy. That is all there is and all there ever will be... not some Spiritual Country Club that says you have everlasting life with God and all of your family members and buddies that died with you or before you living happily ever after. That's what Hollywood is for.

I am no Atheist. There is no word for what I am nor the other 27 people who've experienced what we have. There isn't a holy book or congregation on this planet that has a program that applies to those of us who have already been dead and know what's over there. We "need" a holy book like that because your Bible simply does not cover what people like us need. All your Bible does is dangle the proverbial carrot in front of suckers like you who keep chasing it.

Happy Easter... Enjoy your "carrot"!!!
This post deserves its own thread. I'm not saying it doesn't belong here, but what you just said is worthy of its own conversation Independent of a discussion of extraterrestrial contact.


Well-Known Member
Man.. Seems like some ppl really have got some issues with ol shrubber not taking anyones side on anything.. But i think we can have a discussion ob things like this without getting mad or putting one another down.. If someone ridicules you or your beliefs then they just need to butt themselves outa a discussion like this one.. Arguing your point i can see.. But not making it too personal at the same time.. Cause thats how discussions like this usually end up and then we just never get anywhere... Im not putting down anyone either when saying this so please dont think that.. But like i said earlier.. I am very interested in the megalithic and monolithic structures...i think that is where most proof of.. If not aliens... Then the next or maybe even more sensible option to me. And that is an advanced civilization of us before... I think they knew by making these structures... And no.. They are not natural... They were doing a couple things.. They were showing their massively smart construction techniques to basically show off what they could do... Or they may have realized they were eventually going to be wiped out and they wanted to leave something that they thought would stand the tests of time.. So they wouldnt be forgotten in a way... So many archaeological finds have been made that totally blow conventional science outa the water when it comes to man that it is just ludicrus to not evaluate them more ..this is where my conspiracy mind comes into play.. I hate to use the word conspiracy but what other word would one use to explain our world leaders and "top scientists " just ignoring and setting aside.. Literally.. Evidence of something more.... Iv also thought that these ancient civilizations may well be the people that are returning to see the "homeland " ...i mean idk. It is really something to think on.. Its fun forne and exciting... Not thinking crazy ass things with absolutely no backing in any sense, in my mind anyway.. But things that i can imagine or piece together that have a connection somehow
Good post. Definitely no question that technology has been lost through the ages. South America has some mind blowing structures. Puma punku in Bolivia is amazing. There is a (can't recall the name) stone fortress built on a cliff face with enormous slabs of stone. Another fortress that appears the stone was heated to near melting point then set into place. No mortar was used and you cant slide a piece of paper between the blocks. Reminds me of stacked jello blocks. It pisses off our so called geniuses because they have to admit they haven't a clue how the hell the ancients did it. IMO modern man hasn't even mastered the functions of the human body. The only thing that matters is money these days.
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Well-Known Member
Going FTL = antigravitics.

Dreams IME are a mash of stuff you encountered recently, I do think some can be visions of something greater.

Hiding in plain sight is the best method of concealment.

Gravity is a flimsy theory at best. EXAMPLE: I used to roll boulders along the lake bottom to build nesting spots for flathead catfish. Put the same 500 lbs boulders on dry land? Instant hernia. Density and buoyancy bros forget gravity. Gases ,metals and liquids all have different levels of density. Denser liquids and gases settle at the bottom always. Like brine pools on the ocean floor. Electromagnetic propulsion? Yes not out of the realm of possibility but only on earth and by using the natural magnetic fields that are in place. Tesla was all about tapping into these magnetic fields. Anti-gravitational propulsion pure sci fi. We are below a firmament dome that nuclear warheads could not break through. Are we imprisoned here by reptilian aliens that live above the waters that are above the dome? In the land they dwell in maybe they use magnetic fields for propulsion traveling rapidly between the 1,000's of bio-dome prisons they control. Or is there land hidden with clean air, food and water?
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Well-Known Member
85/5.972x10^24kg x 100.

Soooooo a very, very small part, to be sure.
I see, consider these two facts about mass and density.

1) lighter than air: objects goes up

2) heavier than air: objects stay on the ground

Where is 'gravity' in those two facts?

As promised above I've demonstrated mass and density.

Please demonstrate gravity.

(Note: Saying that it exists because you believe it does is not a demonstration of it)
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Well-Known Member
Most dense gas is radon. Least dense gas is hydrogen it has helium beat. Most dense metal is iridium. Least dense is lithium. Most dense liquid is mercury. Least dense is liquid hydrogen. Gravity pfft


Well-Known Member
85/5.972x10^24kg x 100.

Soooooo a very, very small part, to be sure.
Interesting..! in another thread you said:

"So sit back and relax. Be a good consumerist drone, pay your mortgage and your taxes and your car payment and your utilities and your credit cards and don't worry your little head about anything except what we tell you to. When we tell you to."

And I completely agree! I would like to encourage you to use that same critical thinking when considering what those same lying powers have told you about gravity, space-time, ufo's, God, gods and literally all these related topics.

None of it is what we've been indoctrinated since childhood to believe.
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