Got guns?

Yup, exactly what I was thinking lol. Most of us got gassed in basic; we all lived but never wanted to go through it again. I'd wager that once the whole student body and staff were gassed just one time; they'd all be self-policing and talking up any suspicions

I got it way more that the one time in basic.
CBR training everytime I rode a ship to Pearl - I liked the buttercup trainer but they can keep the CBR crap, Un-Fun!
Yes sir it is.

I also have a double action .22 revolver that I should get appriased, keep getting told it might be an antique. I'll post a pic later
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My Taurus Pt9111 g2

Fascinating, never shot it tho
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I have a S&W .22 that also looks identical and damn I love that thing. And damn That's a pretty little revolver. My uncle gave me a black powder pistol that I'm pretty sure dates back close to the civil war. It's not safe to shoot but it's pretty to look at lol. I'll bust it out of the safe and get a pic on here.
Just because you file for bankruptcy, doesn't necessarily mean you go away.

Remington may be filing for bankruptcy, but I doubt they will be going away. They are just restructuring their debt.

The CEO and CFO need to be shit canned and replaced with people who know what they are doing.
The investors will lose their stake {I think}, debtors will get a % of their money, and the company will come out the other side. Hopefully leaner and meaner.
Sales down 30% with a gun friendly prez. But they have been having problems for a while.
Ha ha blame social media

No one wants to post ig shots unless it high dollar customs now

If you want rem action you go with a surgen lol

So yea i think their sale are only down because people are buying higher grade stuff.

Fuck my magwell for my glock was 100 ridiculous
Firearms are not a perishable product. Taken care of they will out live the original owner and then some. My point is that there is a finite market for a product that doesn't need replacement, like electronics or vehicles, etc. The business plan is fucked up. I don't have a solution but there needs to be a place for businesses that make products that last, rather than going under due to decreased sales