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that's really Neat! how did you catch it.? I'm reading a book currently called Hardcore Twenty-Four by Janet Evanovich and the main character is trying to catch a boa constrictor named Ethel.
Steph and Lula ride again! Evanovich is one of those authors who make writing look so easy you think, Christ, I could do this. One of my favorite authors.
that's really Neat! how did you catch it.? I'm reading a book currently called Hardcore Twenty-Four by Janet Evanovich and the main character is trying to catch a boa constrictor named Ethel.
I found it sunbathing in the road. I grabbed it by the tail as it was slithering away then grabbed it by the back of the head. It wasnt poisonous but they still have teeth.
I found it sunbathing in the road. I grabbed it by the tail as it was slithering away then grabbed it by the back of the head. It wasnt poisonous but they still have teeth.
I used to catch snakes and snapping turtles all the time near the house I grew up in.. was lots of fun. When I was 17 I caught a snapping turtle and put it in the bed of my truck then went over to a girls house to hang out. Came out and it escaped. No more turtle. Hope it liked his new home
I used to catch snakes and snapping turtles all the time near the house I grew up in.. was lots of fun. When I was 17 I caught a snapping turtle and put it in the bed of my truck then went over to a girls house to hang out. Came out and it escaped. No more turtle. Hope it liked his new home
Kinda crazy how good of climbers snappers are. They're a nuisance up here because they get into fish farms. I still help them across the road when I see them.